Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Side attractions are just that....side attractions. But sometimes you just want to set up camp and stay awhile

There are some trips where the side attractions are just as fascinating and alluring as the main destination.  But they are just side attractions.  They are to make the miles and miles of road to that wonderful bed and breakfast or beach less of a chore and more of a wonderful journey.  

These last few weeks I felt like I lost my map and got pulled into several side attractions.  Lost my map on the 100 mile journey and just decided to cop a squat.  I was so close to my happy number too. But now I am a little farther than I'd like.  How could I have let that happen?  Holidays are a BIG side attraction.  Christmas for me, specifically.  Then add dating, whew! It's like the main attraction just disappeared.  Cookies, nights out, candy, those things that send me flying!  Snacks, and more snacks. It's as if I just abandoned the Weight Watcher program altogether.  Threw it out the window hearing it plop on the ground.

This time around, I have found it harder to get back on the main road.  Harder to mean what I say and say what I mean.  Harder to track.  Clothes are tighter. Ugh!! That's how I know just how bad those side attractions were.  I've been told that everyone deals with this.  And while I take some comfort in that, it's happening to me.  I, who received the golden key to lifetime after losing 202 lbs and said they would never come back, am struggling now yet again.  I could blame it on my walking buddy moving away and abandoning me.  I could blame it on the fact I don't have a compatible phone.  But I know those are not the truths.  My friends still think what I did was amazing.  An awesome accomplishment.  But my mother, in all her sneaky eye looks, and nosy ways, I think can tell I haven't been as strict and maintained as I should.  I just tell her, yeah, I'm doing good.  Up and down a little here and there, but good.  Ha!  If she knew the real reason.

So where do I go now?  I would think the pavement on the 100 mile journey is worn down from so many travelers.  There was a time a couple of months ago I saw the light at the end of the road. Showing me I was almost there.  Then I veered off and the road looked like this.

I realize I am strong enough to know what it takes to get back on the straight and narrow.  I know that it would take just a few weeks to get back to where the light was shining at the end of the road, beckoning me to the main destination.   Have I lost all direction?  I need the fuel to get back on the road so I can arrive in a timely manner.  I sometimes think I need side blinders.  You know the kind you see on horses when they race.  Did I ever mention what my grandma used to say when we'd go to the mall?  I was young, overweight, but young....say around 10.  We'd pass by the food court and she'd say "Close your eyes and hold your nose."   I can't close my eyes entirely, but I could hold my nose.

Yes those side attractions are nice, sometimes sparkly.  And we should  stop and check them out.  But then get back in the car and get back on the road.

Finish the week strong! And oh lord, keep each other strong and on point next week! For it's heart day!