Friday, March 16, 2018

Aha: The God Moment That Changes Everything

"Sometimes life takes us places we never expected to go.  And in those places, God writes a story we never thought would be ours."  

I didn't realize it was January when I wrote a new post.  These last few months, I've dealt with emotional eating, finished my second half marathon, and landed a full time job (with a raise!).  The emotional eating caused me to go above my goal, so guess what.....yep I'm back on that ride again. But it's not going to be a year this time.  I plan to be back down to my goal, or below it, by early May.

I looked in the mirror this morning.  It's been four years since I crawled in the ER and spent six days in the hospital.  It'll be an anniversary, that although will become fainter as years go by, that will always be a significant moment in time.  There are days I like what I see.  Then days that I still see the obese - okay, fat - me.  I wonder when that will go away.  

To think four years I could have not made the decision to visit the ER, I may not be here today.  I could have decided to let the insulin do the work and not change anything.  I have written and spoken about that Aha! moment but I didn't reveal what tole it had on my family.  My brother-in-law told his co-workers his sister-in-law (me) was in the hospital and there's a chance he could have to leave without warning.  I read emails my parents sent their friends who asked about me.  They feared they could lose me.  Tears welled up in my eyes knowing they could have lost me.

How scary is that?  To realize your family actually feared they could lose a daughter, aunt, sister.  If that isn't an Aha! moment, I don't know what is. 

I realized God wasn't going to let that happen.  I don't always - okay, never - understand His plan for me or His timing, but I know He didn't have me walk through that storm for nothing.  Maybe it was to make me aware of the dishonor I was doing to my body.  Maybe He needed me to get healthy and well before He sent the person meant for me.  Well, apparently I'm not ready yet 🤣

I do know it was to show me if a change wasn't made, Elliott wouldn't have an aunt - let alone a fun aunt - much longer.  I wouldn't be around for my parents much longer - in fact, they'd have outlived me.  

Weight Watchers will always be a part of my life.  Making healthy choices will always be the priority.  I hope to get to a point where I don't have to worry about stepping on the scale - to pay or not to pay.  I have enjoyed this journey immensely.  Can't wait to see what's up ahead.

Yes, you made the decision to walk through the Weight Watchers door.  But maybe it was God taking you to a place you weren't expecting.  He was beginning to write your story. When I joined Weight Watchers in 2013, God was writing the fist chapter in my story.  

Y'all have an awesome week.  Spring is in the air!!!