Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What comfort zone?!

"The miracle isn't that I finished.  
The miracle is that I had the courage to start." 

It's the time of year when men and women take to the streets to run their hearts out.  Some to set PRs (personal records), some to qualify for Boston Marathon, and others to just cross something off their bucket list.   It's time I set my eyes on a bigger mountain.  

I remember my first half marathon in March of 2016.  I made lifetime in January reaching my goal weight and losing 202 lbs.  I was already walking 10+ miles a day so was conditioned to run/walk the 13.1 miles.  Not sure what spurred me to sign up for the race.  My devoted running/walking buddy said she'd do it with me so I thought, why not?  It was AMAZING!  From the spectators, fellow runners, and the finish line, of course.  At mile 9 I remember crying professing my exhaustion.  My friend reminded me that I could do the last 4 miles in my sleep.  We were running intervals to reserve our energy to run across the elusive finish line.   As we approached the last turn and heard the crowds and announcer, I couldn't believe it.  I was going to finish my first half marathon.  We sprinted across it, our finish time just under 3 hours.  

There is something empowering, thrilling and indescribable running across the finish line, receiving a medal of a job well done.  Bananas were gone, but I didn't care.  I accomplished something that I NEVER thought or imagined doing.  From weighing 375 lbs., losing 202 of them, to finishing 13.1 miles.  Yep, empowering and indescribable.

In 2018, I decided to enter The Woodlands Half Marathon again.  This time, I had more training to do.  Gone were the 10 mile days.  Another friend said she'd do it with me.  Her first, my second.   To congregate among runners (both seasoned and new) was still exciting.  Our finish time was a little over 3 hours (due to me waiting on my friend...I was not about to let her finish alone).  Tears filled my eyes along the course as strangers shouted my name with encouragement.  And as I approached the finish line, more friends held signs with pink glitter praising a job well done.  

I recount this because they are experiences I will not forget.  Three years passed before I signed up again.  I volunteered at the 2020 The Woodlands Marathon.  There is something motivating and inspiring about being at the finish line.  So when registration for 2021 opened I immediately signed up for my 3rd half marathon, not realizing what the year held.  Due to the events of the year, and my anxiety, I decided to go virtual for this one.  On my own time, my own course.  I have not been in the best shape and feared I wouldn't finish in time.  Fearing I would have to do it alone, I prepared myself.  Thirteen miles of self reflection.  But I had a friend do it with me and she made sure I finished.  Receiving the medal in the mail was just as rewarding.  This time even more so.  Three half marathons under my belt.  

I also joined a running club. I didn't know the first thing about joining a running club but I was following someone on Instagram who encouraged me to join.  I joined during the wildest of years.  Races in 2020 were canceled.  But things are slowly returning.  Recently I embarked on a secret project if you will.  Working to strengthen what I already have.  To go beyond what I do.  I can no longer see my comfort zone.  And I like it.   I can only imagine what's in store for me.  My mind seems to be shifting more towards staying/being healthier, leaner, in better shape.  Don't get me wrong, I still care about the number on the scale.  Maybe not just as much.  

"I didn't come this far to only come this far.  I came this far so I could be strong enough to go further!  I would be good enough to push myself harder!  I'm only getting started...
This is just the beginning."