Thursday, May 4, 2023

The taken path

 "For every path you choose, there is another you must abandon...usually forever."

It's funny how certain events are guideposts along one's path.  We may think WE choose the path we are on but the PATH may have chosen us.  I started out on one path and have ended up on a totally different one.  But I believe all the smaller ones (perhaps small detours) taken were small guideposts to direct me to the more important path.  

Timing. I’ve had difficulty understanding that concept in the past.  Whatever I’m anxious to happen is not on my time but God’s.  Maybe there’s something to timing and these paths taken.  Similar to certain people showing up in our lives for a specific time.  

When I changed the way I eat I knew I must leave the old me behind. When I started losing weight I showed the other me the door.  She’s made an appearance now and again.  

The road to the finish line is filled with struggle, doubt, progression and uncertainty. At the same time it’s a reminder we decided to take this path.  My list of 23 things in 2023 has been off to a slow start.  

From my first 5k to triathlon, I made the running/racing path my home.  I thought this is where I’m to be.  The path has been lined with awesome motivators and encouragers.  But recently I took a detour.  Or I was silently persuaded or directed to this detour.  

People say it’s when you are unable to do something, that’s when you want it the most.  So I put aside my racing bibs for awhile.  But while doing that I still wanted to stay on that path. Running.  So I decided to volunteer when I can. It won’t be forever.  Maybe the volunteering chose me.  To show me that among the self doubt and uncertainty there is a community of runners who anxiously await for me to be back on the pavement. I’ve been at the finish line to give them their medal “with all my heart” as my friend put it. 

It is often repeatedly suggested to listen to the body.  Well I guess I didn’t do a good job recently.   So the body chose for me. Too many ungraceful stumbles?  Maybe.  Being too hard on myself.  Possibility.   

Maybe, just maybe everything that is happening is to prepare for a greater path.  I found out something this week that was not what expected. I had a moment, maybe two, and hoisted myself off the couch and dusted myself off.  I declared to a few friends I intend to fight.  You WILL see me at the start line and finish line in 2024.

It will be paved with glitter all the way! 
