Thursday, August 8, 2024

Always Slide.....


It's been six months since my total left hip replacement.  It is amazing how pain free that side feels.  The implant has remained in place and not faltered.  At my doctor's appointment, we discussed having the right hip replaced and if it was time.  According to the orthopedic, it is time to have the right side worked on.  I never thought I would be excited about another surgery.  

The ebb and flows of my motivation have been somewhat constant.  I feel great when I lace up, get strapped in with my NoxGear vest and turn on the Garmin to run instead of run indoors.  I lock my knee in the hinge brace (fooling myself that THAT'LL alleviate any pain) and forge ahead.  I walk the waterway because I know where the benches are placed.  Nowadays I walk about a quarter mile then stop to rest.  I fool myself in thinking it is the Texas humidity and the fact I haven't worked on my endurance.  

I was able to finish a mile thanks to the encouraging words of friends.  And I have slowly built on that mile but haven't reached 2 miles yet.  I remind myself this time last year or the year before this wasn't possible.  Yes, there is still pain, but I deal with it.  

My mind paints a deceptive picture of the motivation I seem to have.  It goes up then comes down.  And my mind seems to trick me.  The last few days it is my thinking why try so hard when the walking RIGHT NOW is not getting easier or better.  I can forget about speed.  But because she is the best friend that she is, she sends me a text: "You do it for the same reason we train like we do in the summer.  So that when it is better, it's easier."

My coach then sends me a reel via Instagram.  And another facebook friend posted one of her famous PSAs.  (Where I got the post title from) I got it, they were all sending the same message.  One could argue I do not shy away from hard things.  While I may have proven I am capable of doing hard things, right now this seems to be the hardest.  But when the whistle blows early in the morning, it is easier to stay under the covers.  I am out of habit and all it takes is a few grunts and crawls out of bed to get back in.  

All this said, I do celebrate the small victories.  My right is not as severe as the left.  I am able to do squats without holding on to something for dear life.  And for the first time is almost 2 years - because of the plan for the right hip - I can actually think about races I want (and will) to do.  I can actually plan.  

I need to heed the message in front of me.  Work on it now so when the time comes, it'll be easier.  Figure out how to win now.  Give that 110% and always slide.  

You can bet I'll do it with Glitter all the Weigh!!  Remember - always slide.