Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The magic wand is lost.........and I need a life coach

Where is a fairy god mother when you need her?  The one that waves her magic wand while singing Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo!  If she could transform Cinderella into the princess that was loved and envied by everyone, surely her wand could send me back to that magical number.  The number that made me feel like a princess.  

I over indulged during the holidays.  "Happy weight" as someone called it.  That's right......there's a man in my life.  Hop over to my other blog Dating and Afraid to read more. Can't I be happy without adding weight to the emotion?  A glass of wine here, one there, and dinners out.  Before that was Christmas.  I seemed to have thrown everything I know about making healthier choices out the window these last two weeks.

And because of that, I am a bit farther away from my goal, that magical number I reached last year.  I have faith I will get there before the spring.  I have to.  As Cinderella's fairy godmother said, "If you'd lost all faith, I wouldn't be here."  I'll continue going to my meetings because I haven't lost faith in losing the weight again.  The "happy weight" or as I call it, boyfriend weight.  And I'm thankful Weight Watchers will gladly help me.  

I am still struggling with the mental/psychology of it all.  It's only been a year since I reached a goal I hadn't really planned on reaching.  I thought last year was a year of adjustment.  And now with some of it going back on, I now struggle with other mental worries.  Will I ever reach that number again? Will WW ever be free for me again?  How could I go from someone who tracked everything and stayed away from most sweets to who I am now?  Did I get so comfortable after I lost 202 lbs. that food became my friend again?

I have a confession and as much as I don't want to make it known publicly, here goes.  Last week I was supposed to have dinner with this man.  I planned on making soup since it was cold.  I bought cookies for dessert...mainly for him in case he wanted one. Giddiness overcame me. I should have left them in the store. Dinner was postponed a day but the damage had already been done.  By the end of the day all 12 cookies were gone!  I know!  That meant I'd have to buy some more.  Prime example of why I stay away from sweets.  And why people do not understand.  So I had the cookies just sitting there and staring at me.  Sure I could have gone for a walk or made the apartment cleaner, but that didn't happen.  I had one cookie, then it became 2, so on and so on.  I cannot have just one!  Where was that magic wand then?

Today is a new day.  A new day to track seriously and reaffirm my faith in losing the weight and being a point where I can maintain.  It wouldn't hurt to have Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo on standby.

Y'all have a great week!  Spread a little glitter around!

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