Tuesday, May 25, 2021

"Nothing changes except what has to..."

Before you get comfy and start reading, you may have noticed a change in the blog title.  I think it adds a sporty touch to it.  I am still about being a healthier me and losing some unwanted pounds, but as you read, my mindset is shifting.  

If there's one thing to be known about me, it's I do not like change.  Let me correct.... there are some changes I am okay with.  But mostly, change scares me.  

I'm okay if I make the change (what I eat, change up in activity, etc.).  But it's the change of the unknown that makes me have the heebie-jeebies.  

In recent months, I've hit a stall, a plateau if you will.  My focus blurred.  Comfortability with food set in.  The little voice I tried to muffle is back trying to be the voice of reason.  Well, that must stop.    How do you handle that little voice?  

So, in an effort to get my focus clear again, I started with some evaluating of the journey I've taken these last 7-8 years. (before you tell me that what I am about to say is right, the fact remains I will always have some struggle.)  My focus has been to lead a healthier lifestyle and working on getting my lifetime goal weight back.   

There has been a shift.  Mindset shift.  Oh, I still want to lose these unwanted friends that found their way back.  Getting back to the happy number.  I know I can get there.  I still need accountability, but I wonder if I've learned all I can from Weight Watchers.  

The shift is fueling my body properly for the things I have planned for it.  Realizing my body is capable of so much more and telling my mind I can do whatever I set it to do.  (I used to have that confidence but lost it somewhere along the way) 

I turn the Big 50 in a few weeks.  It's another somewhat big milestone.  What do I want for myself in the next 50 years?  Hmmm.  I want so many things.  I want to make sure I honor my body by eating healthy.  I want to continue running and entering races.  On the personal side...well, that's for another blog/post. 

Recently, I attended and watched my first triathlon.  I cheered on some runner friends that were there to cross a triathlon off their bucket list.  They gave 110% to swim in somewhat rough waters, hurriedly climb on a bike to trek around town, then finish with a 5k/10k run.  I watched as these athletes emerged from the water to climb on the bikes, then complete a run to the finish.  It's hard not to be inspired or motivated. There were people of every size and shape accomplishing something really big.  I get inspired and motivated every time I watch a race.  I have this fear of looking stupid when I go on a run. (Maybe that's why I run while everyone is sleeping). But I pile the hair on my head and strike out to run my best.  Because at the finish line or after a long run, there are the cheers, woo hoos, and pats on the back.

I recently started on a different journey of mine.  A bit of a secret project.  Something I used to do but fell out of practice.  Thought if I wanted to be serious and conquer some big goals, I would need a little help.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  Stick with me and watch me shine! 

I doubt the 25, 35, or even 45-year-old me thought this is what I'd be doing when I turn 50.  This excites me.  That and having not 1, but 3 bikinis in my drawer to wear this summer!  

Remember when you run, do it with glitter all the weigh! 


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