Monday, March 6, 2023

See y'all at the finish line!....eventually

"There will come a day when I will not be able to do this.  Today is not that day." 

I had the awesome opportunity to volunteer with The Woodlands Marathon recently.  I truly believe volunteering will change any mindset or knock out any self doubt or what ifs.  

I've been sidelined lately so this was my way of staying involved with all things running. I enjoy meeting  people, especially those that are tackling any distance for the first time.  

This was my second year to volunteer at the finish line to hand out medals.  It was a very special morning.  I volunteer because that's what I like to do.  And it's the unexpected moments that make it so much worthwhile.   

There was the moment a young runner from the run club I'm in asked me to hang the medal around his neck.  And he gave me a hug that melted my heart.  I think because of him I passed on that hug to all my friends who finished after him.  It was totally unexpected.  It was that moment, a friend told me, God gave me to show how amazing people think I am.  

I met a lady the day before who wan an elite in the race for the first time.  She was so excited.  I causally mentioned to her I'd be at the finish line handing out the medals.  Not expecting her to actually find me.  When you cross the finish line, there are bundles of emotions going through the head.  Yes getting the well deserved medal is high on the list but maybe not who hands it to you.   This woman looked for me as she crossed the finish line and found me.  Did I remember her?  Of course I did! 

Or the lady I worked with at the VIP/Elite table who also ran the half marathon.  We saw each other as she approached the medals.  She found me to tell me she broke her own record....with tears in her eyes.  I cried with her.   And true to the quote by John Blais, yes I got it on film.  

I hugged all my friends who crossed the finish line.  Genuinely proud of them.   One of them suggested there needs to be hugs at every finish line.  I wholeheartedly agree with her.  As always, I was inspired and motivated when I left my post after giving numerous congratulations and kudos to tired runners.  

I can't exactly pinpoint the reason I started running.  One day my friend and I just decided to run intervals.  Then she was there by my side when I finish my first half marathon seven years ago.  I think we all need someone like that.  To excitedly come home from work, change into run clothes, run 3 or 4 miles in the blazing sun.  Or encourage you at mile 9 of a half marathon that the last four miles is a piece of cake for someone who is out there every day knocking out miles.  

But I've learned this is who I am.  I am a runner.   I have whined about my legs being tired or my muscles not as engaged as they need to be.  When there are people with far more serious disabilities conquering huge feats.    

I am anxiously awaiting when I can return to running and more finish lines.  So it takes me a little longer to get it done right now.   

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