Thursday, April 21, 2016

Unlike in dating, you have to work at it for it to happen

Good morning wet Weight Watcher people (and my other friends)!  I hope most of you are dry and safe.  Those that aren't, you'll be in my prayers.  Just pray y'all have healthy good snacks in the house.  I'm ready for some sunshine.  

Thought I would do a similar post as I will in my dating blog, Dating and Afraid: Girlfriend's Point of View.  I had a friend tell me that if you have to work at getting someone to notice you, then it's not meant to be.  She has a point, although I don't like to hear it because apparently it's not meant to be for me so many times.  

But it's different when you're losing weight.  It WILL happen if you work at it.  Work is needed to be successful at losing weight and the relationship with one's self.  

During my first phase, I worked so hard for the weight to come off.  After I lost about 50 lbs I realized it could happen if I ate right, exercised, and just followed the program.

Have you ever associated losing weight with dating and getting comfortable with someone?  Yes, you have to eat right (which includes healthy foods, portions, and nutrition) and exercise for it to happen. In order for you to get results.  In the beginning it's new and exciting.  Eating the right, healthier foods, giving up those things that are toxic, and exercising helps you lose weight.  Happiness sets in and maybe some giddiness.  The weight comes off.

But then being comfortable with the program as well as the weight that has come off follows.  The newness may have worn off.  The program is part of the new lifestyle and it's here for the long haul. So the excitement of eating those healthy foods and doing activity decreases.  It's no longer "Can't wait to get out there and ride the bike," but "Well, it'll be there tomorrow."   The newness of losing weight must never decrease.  Working at it has to happen for it to work.

I'm guilty of this......several times over.  I became comfortable with the program, losing weight week after week, exercising nearly 7 days a week.  The newness had worn off.  I was no longer working at making it happen.  And what happened?  Weight went back on.  So I have to get back to working at it and think of it as new again.  The newness of the program, finding exercising exciting again.

I do have barricades in the way which will make working at making this new again somewhat challenging.  But wanting it bad enough, I will work at it because I want to save this new me.  I want to save this new found transformation.

So you might find yourself getting comfortable with losing weight and the program.  And to a point you need to be comfortable but not so much that you don't continue working at it.

Prayers go out to those suffering from the floods.  Y'all stay safe and hopefully dry.


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