Friday, April 14, 2017

There's no time to relax or have a vacation

So I seem to have gone on vacation and decided to check out.  I didn't mean to.  I don't have time for a vacation really.  This last month stress has settled in and become my best friend.  I have been so scared I will turn to stress eating.  Thankfully I stayed on track for the most part and steered the car straight home instead of letting it go auto pilot and head to the store.  And because of my hard work and tracking, I have lost close to 9-10 lbs in the last 2 weeks.  

A vacation is supposed to help recharge.  Recharge so work will be a little easier to handle.  Recharge when stress is in abundance.  This "vacation" I've been on did the opposite.  I was on vacation from my exercise/activity.  Vacation from making healthy choices.  I realized that there is no vacation from this lifestyle.  No vacation from maintaining a weight loss.  If you need recharging, as in losing a few pounds, then maybe go back to the very beginning.  That's what I've almost had to do.  

I knew I needed a recharge when my clothes started getting tight.  I was determined NOT to buy bigger clothes.  And I realized just because I wanted to change meetings times didn't mean it would suddenly help me.  It's all mental.  I have to take responsibility for the weight I put on while on vacation. 

When the weight first started to come off, I felt great.  I felt motivated.  I was tracking every day. So what did I use this time to recharge from the vacation?  After this last relationship ended I realized maybe I need to focus on me and get serious about getting back to my goal weight.  I let myself go all because there was a man interested in me.  So I got serious.  I made a point to walk twice every day. And there would be no straying.  

It paid off.  I liked seeing the results and knowing I am doing the right thing.  I have no time to relax. If I relax, so will my choices.  I have to be on guard at all times.  I do have a real vacation planned in May.  That's about a month from now.  There is no time for a vacation if I want to be close to my happy number by then.

I may never be able to take a "vacation."  For some it's easy.  But for me, if I take a vacation I end up enjoying the "vacation" food too much rather than the sights.  I have to come realize it will be this way for the rest of my life.  There will be times I need to recharge.    

Spring has sprung and soon summer nights will be knocking at the door.  If there is a vacation planned in your future, don't make it a vacation from wise choices.  Still have fun, just responsibly.                                                                                                                

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