Tuesday, August 15, 2017

What's so scary about commitment?

"Commitment is what makes a promise into reality."  "Commitment comes as a result of choice, not conditions." 

Why do people find it hard to commit to something?  Is it the fear of what might happen if there is success?  Or what might happen if there is a failure?

In order to be committed to losing that extra weight, walk a little more.  Eat more fruits and veggies. Definitely skip those extra glasses of wine.  After 5 glasses (and 20 SP), no one looks attractive. There has to be commitment.  Set the alarm; maybe rip off the snooze button so it can't be used. Totally skip the donut case and go straight for the fruit and vegetables.  

What's causing that not to happen?  Fear?  Losing weight can be difficult for some, especially if the struggle has been the entire life.  Don't even mention body image.  From a young age, I battled with my body image.  It got worse as I got older to the point I didn't like looking in the mirror.  But once I made the commitment to better myself and become healthier, the fear lessened.  Before I started Weight Watchers this last time, that brought me to success, I had been a perpetual member.  Joining, losing maybe 5-10 lbs, then quitting.  My mind, I suppose, wasn't ready for complete lifestyle change. That is until my health intervened and said we had no choice.  There was the commitment to lose weight and become healthier, or commit to die.  

I will admit I am a creature of habit.  However, I embraced the changes I needed to make in order to live the rest of my life.  But I won't lie, it was difficult navigating through the early stages to get there.  The early change was fast and furious.  So much I didn't stop to take time to embrace it.  This time around, the change is somewhat tough and slow.   I have always had a fear of failure that the weight would find its way back.  And the fear has come to fruition.  I feel my commitment this time around is not as strong.  I need to find out why.  

In this commitment-phobic world, it's so easy to abandon something fear of failure at it.  If I truly wan to lose this weight I put back on, then my commitment must be steadfast and strong.  There are days I feel like giving up.  I have felt discouraged lately.  But if I gave up, what would that say? Who would win?  

Not sure why I can't wrap my head around it again like before.  Is it because I've become too comfortable?  Too relaxed?  There are days I am not honest with myself.  The old adage and anecdote, If no one sees you eat it, then it didn't count, crosses my mind.  I eat things I shouldn't.  Mainly on Sunday after the meeting.  

I do not fear commitment.  I welcome commitment; in relationships - whether with another person or myself.  At this moment, it appears I have to be committed to myself.  If you didn't read, I have abandoned my dating blog and the idea of finding love altogether.  So right now, I am committed to myself.  So what is the next strategy?  Commit to walk 5 miles in the morning. Not 4.5 or 4.75.  Not enough to get my 10k steps.  Commit to NO MORE chocolate.  Yes, I ate chocolate on Sundays.  

Commitment.  It's a dangerous word.  But if it's embraced, it can be your friend.  Reality can grow from promises.   


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