Monday, July 31, 2017

All roads lead back to a little 3 letter word: YOU

I'm back! Miss me?  I have let my Weight Watchers and my other followers down it seems like.  I started this blog to chronicle my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey.  To be honest, I guess I forgot about it.  I've been in a rut lately.  Although I'm still what seems like miles from that goal weight that awarded me the Lifetime status, I was starting to make some headway, entering back into Onederland.  Then I don't know what happened.  I ate graham crackers and other things.  But I am happy to report it's coming off again.  My doctor also adjusted my thyroid medication.  And I changed jobs to one that doesn't have the temptation of food every day.  I am getting home maybe 30 minutes later so I'm not letting my car auto steer itself to the store to pick up something I don't need. Thought I would do the same subject as my dating adventures blog.  Although the 3 letter word for the dating post is a different one.  Hop on over and take a look.  

I look back on my journey thus far.  I have changed so much.  I am eating healthier.  Trying to make somewhat healthier choices.  But I feel like I reached the 100 miles, turned around and headed back in the opposite direction. Instead of going forward in a different direction towards a new goal. Stopping halfway to realize I was not headed in the right direction.  

Ever wonder if this is a just a big circle that keeps going round and round?  There is a starting point and an end, but the end point is the same as the starting point.  Maybe look at it this way.  When one goal is reached and the circle seems complete, begin another goal.  You may say or think, I've heard that before. I know I have.  But I'm also a fine one to talk.  I haven't done that.  I was at my goal weight for a minute (literally not long enough) and now I'm having to relive the road to that goal. Albeit not as long, still the same road.  It's a little worn.  But it'll end with me.  Maybe I'll be a little healthier and wiser this time.  

I know the theory/idea of six degrees is not foreign to most.  I haven't really paid attention to it, but while writing this post, it came to mind.  I'm not going to dissect the 6 degrees, but putting thought into it, you are the common element on your weight loss journey.  If asked why, the answer may be for children, for health, or otherwise, but it all ends up with YOU.  YOU want to do it for your children.  YOU want to live healthier, wiser.  YOU want to give up whatever medications being taken.

I have been struggling for the last year with my 20+ weight gain.  I was so sure I could stay at my goal weight.  All I can say is that I'm stubborn.  I thought I had it figured out.  My doctor even pointed out that I was steadily increasing.  The same doctor who boasted that I was a success story.  I felt embarrassed.  I worked so hard to reach 200 lbs lost.  He was fine with me losing 180 but I pleaded with him to approve me losing 200 even.  And now here I am.  I realize it's a life long commitment.  I know I'll get back to that goal and then I will have to learn how to maintain.  The road will one day lead back to me.  I always am in awe of what I did.  All by myself.  The old, heavier me, would have probably given up.  Would have kept going backward to end up at the very beginning.  Not this improved, present me.  I turned around and am headed back in the right direction.   I'm doing it with awesome friends that I adore and plenty of sparkly Glitter!!

Have a great week!

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