Monday, November 6, 2017

Anniversaries and Commitment......they go hand in hand.

"There are hidden blessings in every struggle."  
"She believed she could so she did." 

Two quotes I can relate to.  Two quotes that have become my favorites.  Monday, November 6, I celebrated 4 years with Weight Watchers.  I was reminiscing about that night.  I am not sure what caused me to join Weight Watchers on that chilly, rainy Wednesday night in 2013.  I can tell you my mindset wasn't in the place it needed to be.  Nor was the focus.  So why I decided that particular moment to join is a mystery to me.   I walked through the doors and started getting a little nervous.  Not about being there but having to step on the scale.  This friendly lady welcomed me and checked me in.  As I stepped on the scale, tears streamed down my face.  I was certain I had crossed over to 400 pounds but the scale read 375.6.  Those ounces in a weight loss journey mean a lot.  So, yes it might as well have been 376, but it still wasn't 400 like I thought.  I left determined to lose some weight this time.  Not sure how I was going to do it since my history with Weight Watchers wasn't good.  I lacked the commitment to the relationship.  Little did I know about the journey and hidden blessing headed my way.   

Four years later, I weigh less than I did the week before I reached Lifetime for the 1st time in 2016.  Stepping on the scales on Sunday, I am 4 pounds under the lowest goal point.  I can see the 160s in the distance.  A weight I can't remember the last time weighing.  I won't lie - there have been many challenges and struggles in the last 4 years. You can read about my Aha moment and hidden blessing here.  More recently this past year trying to lose the 36 I somehow let climb back on.  These last 36 pounds were the hardest than the 200 I lost the first time.  So there were no "celebrations" this time after reaching a new number or Land of Lifetime.  And being free!  Well, no food related celebrations.  

Being diabetic and on the Weight Watchers program were two games with two sets of not so different rules.  I surprised myself at my commitment to the program and diabetes.  After only 2 years on the program (to some that is still the "honeymoon phase") I reached my goal.  When this relationship started with Weight Watchers and diabetes, I didn't plan on losing as much as I did.  I'm not sure I had a number in mind.  I didn't make long term goals or short term goals.  But if I had, I surpassed them each time.  So years 3 and 4 have been a time of adjusting and strengthening the commitment.  To ensure that there'll be more anniversaries to celebrate.  

My commitment is strong today as it was when I attended the meetings after my hospital stay.  This may be the only 50th anniversary I celebrate, but I will do it proudly.  I'm also hoping there won't be the 7 year itch and my mind gets arrogant and thinks we can do this without Weight Watchers.  I am hoping by year 5 I will have the balance, flexibility and life thing figured out.  Speaking of, I guess this could be considered a little celebration.  In a couple of weeks, I will test the balance, flexibility, and life thing by getting dressed up and attending a wine tasting.  It'll be my once a month out to enjoy this thing called life.  I will be sure to have those wiser / healthier choices sitting in the first row.   

How will your anniversary be celebrated?  

Mine is covered in Glitter all the Weigh!  Have a great week!  


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