Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thankfulness Doesn't Stop with Thanksgiving

"I'm thankful for my struggle because I from it I have found my strength." 
"I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now."

My apologies for being late with this post.  You would think this time of year inspiration would come easy to me.  I had to think about this next blog post.  I hope each of my readers, followers, etc. had an awesome and grateful Thanksgiving.  Maybe enjoyed just a little too much pumpkin (or insert your favorite pie here) pie or southern cornbread dressing....and yes the bird!  Thanksgiving is sometimes treated as a day to indulge in foods that aren't on the day to day menu through the year.  As well as Christmas time.  Well, really from Thanksgiving through New Years.  

I found these two quotes and they spoke to me.  Believe it or not I am thankful for what I have experienced over the last 3-4 years.  The hospital visit.  Learning a new set of rules for Diabetes.  I have found so much out about myself that if I had not experienced what I did, I probably would not have discovered what I did.  This strength I have found is so vital to the lifestyle I want to create for myself.  To be honest, I could have had several spoonfuls of my mom's cornbread dressing, my sister's green bean casserole, or a piece of apple pie.  But I stayed focused and realized the cornbread dressing or pie wasn't worth it.  

And oh goodness the second quote!  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has prayed to be smaller, able to sit comfortably in chairs, or not get tired walking around the store.  That's what the quote means to me.  I would pray and envision myself smaller and able to do many things.  The prayer took a good 4 years to be answered, but it was.  Now if my prayers about my love life could be answered, that would be great. 

I am so thankful for the tools Weight Watchers has enabled me to create this healthy lifestyle. I hear there are changes on the way and I know they are only to enhance this journey.   Thankful that with them I have been able to lose the weight I did and somewhat maintain it.  Speaking of, I am still in Land of Lifetime.  If I make it through December (which I have no doubt), I think I will have broken the streak from last year.  This time around I am keeping what I have accomplished at the forefront of my mind.   I am weighing in every week to keep myself accountable.  I tried the balance thing and did okay, although it was an easy test.  Start out slow right. 

I am thankful for the friends in my life.  Those that have become more visible and that they care.  It's important to have that support in life.  And of course the new friends along the way. 

I am thankful and grateful my body forgives me for getting up before dawn to get my morning walk in.  Or do the many other things I wasn't able to do (or want to do) a few years ago.  

Thankfulness doesn't stop when Thanksgiving is over.  Being thankful doesn't stop once the china is put away, "to go" plates are sent home with loved ones, or when the parade ends.  It's year round.  I am thankful for what I have experienced for without it I wouldn't be the person I am today.  There wouldn't be the lessons I have learned.  

So the holiday season seems to be in full swing.  Be thankful where you are today.  Be thankful you have the will power to keep in mind what food is worthy of you eating and so on.  As always, it's a jungle out there this time of year.  Be thankful you have the Armour to protect yourself.

Here's a funny to start the week:  I attended a meeting a few weeks ago and mentioned to the leader about our discussion on "free food" and how it's hard to pass up anything "free."  She said "If you think about it, it's not really free.  It could end up costing you $44.95"  

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