Saturday, December 30, 2017

Dear 2018, I am ready!

On Sunday, 2017 comes to a close.  This time last year I was doing my best to get back to goal.  And this time a couple of years ago, I was celebrating reaching my final goal weight.  Yet trying to understand maintenance so I could reach lifetime.  This year I am at goal weight, have maintained lifetime for the last 3 months, and making healthy choices a priority.  I will end the year at goal once again, and start 2018 also at goal.  

A lot can happen in a year.  Early on it seemed I couldn't gain back my focus and was struggling with making healthy, wise choices.  I reconnected with a man whom I dated a couple of years ago and we started dating again.  We both overcame some unbelievable obstacles (more him than me) and I thought I had finally found someone who related to where I was going and where I came from.  Unfortunately the relationship didn't work out but I can say with pride that I didn't drown myself in Chex Mix, cookies, etc.  I woke up, dusted off, put some lipstick on and moved forward.  Okay, so maybe it didn't happen so quickly.  

I had help from Harvey and finally started losing.  I reached my goal and returned to Lifetime status in October.   Since it was like Death Valley in August when it came to my dating life, I was able to start with a fresh slate.   I was able to return to pre-boyfriend weight. 

I haven't written "resolutions" per se for the last few years.  In prior years "lose weight" was always at the top of the list.  For the last 2 years no mention of "losing weight."  This year, I decided to have a New Year's Bucket List.  Things I'd like to do / accomplish this coming year.  Some fun, some routine. Take a cooking  / baking class, expand / improve my yoga practice, SIGN UP for a marathon in 2019.  Those were just some things I came up with on the fly.  Of course, maintain residence in Land of Lifetime  Continue making eating healthy a priority. 

I did end the year with some awesome news.  I am working again after being off for 2 months.  Yay!  At my last doctor's appointment to review the thyroid medicine, we talked about my other diabetic meds.  Guess what!! He told me I didn't need to take them any more!!   No more metformin, no more checking sugars (although I probably will any way).  Through the old fashion way, I reversed my diabetes and told it I don't need you!

I look back on the last three years.  There were some pretty wild rides.  And I'm sure 2018 has some tucked away somewhere.  I was thinking of that dreaded "balance" thing.  Why am I trying to balance?   Yeah Yeah I know.  Because, as happened to the Grinch, I can't stop life from coming.  It'll come without bells and whistles, sometimes silently while I am not aware.  And while it's good to have some flexibility / balance in one's life, it's important to realize YOU can control what balance you let in. 

I am ready for you 2018!  Bring it as they say.  Will this be the year I happen to find someone who doesn't mind that I walk 5+ miles a day?  What new thing(s) will I try in the New Year?  My awesome weight watcher leader has encouraged me to sign up to work at Weight Watchers.  While I am flattered I want to learn to maintain lifetime status and keeping focus on staying at goal. 

So what's on your New Year's bucket list?   Is there a lot of copying and pasting from one year to the next?  Don't think of it as a list of resolutions. But things you will encourage yourself to do, things that are fund and don't make you feel as if you are mandated to do them .  If losing weight is on it, and you joined Weight Watchers, kudos to you!  Just by doing that, you WILL accomplish that resolution. 

Have a great New Year.  Hope it sparkles and shines like mine, covered in Glitter all the Weigh. 


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