Tuesday, October 5, 2021

She believed she could, so she did

  "She believed she could, so she did."   

That's one of my favorite quotes.   I have a handful of them, including scriptures.  

It's been a few months since I've written anything.  I was thinking how this blog has transformed over the years, just like me.  It started out as a blog to chronicle my weight loss journey.   I delved into how losing 200 lbs. affected me mentally and the adjustments made.  

Things certainly weren't the same.  I actually liked being active.  I started running and had actually good times.  I remember the day when I told my running/walking buddy I wanted to do a half marathon.  She said she'd do it with me.  There was no turning back.  At that moment, I never fathomed I'd complete 13.1 miles in under 3 hours.  But I did and went on to complete 2 more.  

 I saw a quote the other day, "Start where you are.  Not where you want to be, not where you think you should be."  The words, "....not where you used to be" could be added as well.  There are days I think my mind sometimes expects me to be the age I am in my head.  

"The real reward isn't that you cross the finish line.  Instead, it's that you BECOME the person who can cross the finish line, and that kind of achievement stays with you for a lifetime." 

In 2016, I became that person to cross my own finish line.  After that, I felt invincible.  There wasn't anything I couldn't do.  As someone who used to weigh over 300 lbs., I never fathomed crossing a finish line....of anything.  Yet, in the last 5 years, I have crossed numerous finish lines.  I plan to cross them as long as my legs can carry me.  

As 2021 saw live races again, I was excited about crossing more finish lines.  With that said, I did my first virtual race - The Woodlands half marathon.   Timing wasn't perfect, but I finished just the same.  I was excited to be in my first 10 mile race.  I worked in the Texas summer heat and humidity for it.  

Not only is there the physical aspect of losing a drastic amount of weight, but there is the mental side.   The mental must be worked on as the weight is lost, otherwise, in your head lies the person you worked so hard to get rid of.   In the last year I had to deal with her.  She burrows down and starts whispering those negative thoughts.  That's what happened with the last race I entered.   Those thoughts plus some anxiety.   It was a rough day.  After I had one of those shoulda coulda woulda moments, kicking myself for making the decision I did, after some rest and reflection, I remembered how far I've come.   Just to want to enter another race and be at the start line.  

I was also reminded that a race is just a paragraph on a page of a chapter.  Doesn't make the chapter any less thrilling.  So it's time to write another paragraph.   He ended his message with "You are an overcomer and champion."  

Motivation is found in many different places.  I mentioned to one fellow runner one particular morning I encountered what I could only guess was someone who had too much to drink.  As I passed by them, I started running faster to make sure I was too far in front.  I joked and said maybe that needs to be my next strategy.  Pretend there's a drunk on the course and I need to get away.  I find motivation in all things.  I watched Ironman videos in the last weeks.  No, I'm not going to compete in an Ironman....I could see the wheels spinning in your heads.  But the stories of those participants are remarkable.  I have also watched videos of our local marathon.  Somehow imagining me running across the finish line.  

Now, I think to myself, if those people can overcome such odds as cancer, ALS, lost limbs, or autism, then there's no stopping me.  My motivation.....not returning to the person I was in 2013.  That's my motivation.   And those that support me with encouraging words, showing up at the finish lines and being my sidekick.  

I can't wait to see what finish lines I cross in the next year!  You can bet I'll do it with Glitter all the Weigh! 


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