Monday, January 17, 2022

Don't be afraid to fail....Be afraid not to try


Happy New Year!  Okay, so I'm a bit late.  Like many of you, 2021 probably wasn't what I thought it would be.  And 2022 was somewhat ushered in quietly.  Okay, almost.  But I like to focus on the good things.  No major injuries!  There were a few graceful stumbles, some scraped knees and elbows.  

I started 2022 by running (woggling) a 5k on New Years Day to support a friend.  I, along with "thousands" of his friends, got up early after celebrating New Years to support him.  Calendar said January 1, 2022, but I think Mother Nature was confused. Weather felt more like an early spring morning - humidity in abundance.  

It wasn't a pretty race for me.  But I took it as a fun race and had a mimosa afterwards.  I'm in the midst of training for my next adventure - my 4th The Woodlands half marathon.   Some of the old me returned so I'm working hard to get rid of her.   

Recently I cheered on my fellow running family and friends in the Chevron Houston Marathon.  What a fabulous race!  What an awesome morning for it!  I witnessed two records made and was beyond inspired and motivated.   I listed on my New Years bucket list I wanted to try and do a race a month.  One month down, eleven more to go.  

I was so inspired and motivated by the Chevron race that I have already signed up for my first adventure of 2023.  Shhh!  Keep it under wraps for now.  

Let's time hop and take a look back at 2021.....

I ended 2021 completing 6 races, getting a PR or two, and wondering what other dream I can chase.  Did I enjoy it?  You betcha!  I went to my first out of town race for the RunDallas BMW 50th Anniversary marathon weekend.  That was so much fun!  Spent a weekend in early December with runner friends, ran across the finish line, and cheered other fellow runners who chose to go the distance.  My mind would like to put the Dallas race on my annual calendar.  Hmmm?

The road trip included not one, but two, stops at Buccees.  That is a dangerous store!  I'm late to the party when it comes to Beaver Nuggets but boy are they good!  Addicting. 

In October of 2021, I ran the streets of downtown Houston on Halloween. Ran the streets with a sidekick who said she'd do it with me. The box I clung to for so many years is slowly fading...although there are times I work my way back to it.  

I redeemed myself and finished a 10 mile race in November.  Words of encouragement and motivation are all around.  And I had a sidekick that stayed with me the entire time...nicely telling me I couldn't stop.  And when the finish line was in view, she gently nudged me and told me it was mine and to go ahead.   

There was a time when I couldn't fathom making it to any starting line.  Let alone crossing a finish line.  I enjoy cheering on other runners just as much as I look forward to seeing what my body is capable of.  Running across the finish line.  Or going the distance. 

I can't wait to see what 2022 has in store for me.  Not only with running, but everything!  You can bet I'll run with glitter all the weigh through 2022!

Remember to chase your dreams, because dreams can't chase you back.  


"Every day during training, you were challenged with multiple physical events. Long runs, long swims, obstacle courses, hours of calisthenics, something designed to test your mettle. Finally, in SEAL training there is a bell - a brass bell that hangs in the compound for all the students to see. All you have to do to quit - all you have to do to quit - is ring the bell. Ring the bell, and you no longer have to wake up at five o'clock. Ring the bell, and you no longer have to do the runs, the obstacle course, the PT, and you no longer have to endure the hardships of training. All you have to do to ring the bell to get out. "If you want to change the world, don't ever, ever ring the bell."

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