Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Choose Joy!

"Choose joy! Don't wait for things to get easier, simpler, better.  Life will always be complicated.  Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you will run out of time.  We can't often choose our circumstances, but we can better control our reactions and emotions.  Choose joy!" 

We're already halfway through March of 2022.  Things seem to be returning to a normality.   Races are returning live, even with post race parties!  There is one race I always sign up for and that's my local half marathon.  I've participated in it twice in person and once virtually.  I was excited about it.  I love the excitement, the energy, and activities on race day.   

I've been on the struggle bus lately.  Trying to find joy in running, even walking, again.  As last year ended and 2022 started, I fell into a slump.  Realizing my training wasn't going as I wanted or envisioned, I opted to downgrade to the 10k race.  I would still get to participate in race day and earn another medal.  

I've also had an issue with body image lately.  I am a forever work in progress.   I do remember where I've come from.  How far I've come.  And when it may seem I forget, I have people that remind me.   I want the smaller me from a few years ago. The smaller me that the new people in my circle haven't seen.  I'm always chasing the girl with the 13:30 mile.  I'm hoping she'll stop one day to tie her shoes so I can catch up.   Until then I'll conquer everything I can.  

The Woodlands Marathon is something I try to do annually.  It's like a celebration of what I'm capable of.  It's been six years since I reached my weight loss goal and earned my first half marathon medal.  After 15 races later, I still find crossing the finish line (no matter the distance) thrilling and exciting.  

The Woodlands Marathon 10k of 2022 was the 2nd race of the year for me.  I said once I'd like to do one race a month, ending up with 12 races for the year.   But with the unforgiving heat and humidity with Texas summers, plans will change.  I would love to do more destination races but not this year.  

I finished the race - a little longer than I predicted - but I crossed the finish line.   I run/walk on passion and determination.  But it was not optimal racing weather I was told.   Did I cross it with a smile?  Can't remember...I do know there were tears of exhaustion.   

I remember a time when I didn't care about races, medals, or crossing a finish line.  It all changed when I started to focus on staying healthy, exercise.  When I was able to knock out 10 miles and think nothing of it.  

This comfort zone of mine keeps getting smaller.  I know it's still there and there are times I gravitate towards it.   I have two more races before I take a break.  Both are to support a wonderful and special friend.  One will be my first triathlon.  Nervous?  You bet.  But, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  

My goal is always to finish with a smile and have fun.  I may have taken a few steps backward but I will find those steps forward again.  One of these days, my mind and body will finally be on the same page.  And when they are, they will Run with Glitter all the Weigh.  All while trying to get back to my happy number.  It's all about timing.

Have a great week!  Will you choose joy? 

Christina  💗

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