Thursday, May 28, 2015

A brand new world.......

Everyone likes something new.  Sparkly, pink, shiny things.  What girl doesn't??  Weight Watchers gives out charms for various milestones.  Shiny, silver charms.  Our leader has made earrings out of some of hers.  I have just about every charm so far with the exception of the 5k charm....notice I said so far.   Participating in a 5k is on my list of new things to try.  But the something new I want to talk about is things I have never done, longed to do, or have not done in a very long time.  Where shall I start?!

Kayaking! Unfortunately mother nature had other plans last weekend, but I will try it once we are assured the weather will cooperate.  Maybe a kayaking party for my birthday!  How cool would that be?!  Stand-up Paddle Board Yoga!  For that  I tried yoga for the first time earlier this year.  And not just ordinary yoga....but hot yoga!  Where the temperature of the room is at least 105 degrees.  What!  I actually liked it and the heat did not bother me at all.  Yes, I did sweat, but  did enjoy it.  So I have tried yoga more and more.  

If we want to start at the beginning of the brand new world, then we need to visit last year.  When I reached the 100 lb. lost mark, I bought new clothes.  Clothes the old me would never have worn. I cried in the dressing room because things fit!  Then my friends took me out for a a girls night.  A girls' night!  For the first time, a stranger told me I was a beautiful woman.  Granted it was the bartender probably trying to get a good tip, but nonetheless the comment made me feel special.  After that, I went back ALONE!  Yes, alone. And not just one time, but several times.    I have been out many times since that first night and to several different places.  And I like it!  I went country dancing and danced with a very handsome cowboy.  I kept telling him I had not danced two step but he taught me.  Sadly he rode off into he sunset with his wife but it was fun and new.'s new to me!  I have been on more dates in the last year than ever before.  Take note I left out whether they were good or bad.......that's another story or blog!  They were certainly interesting and I have learned something new every time. I think some of my married friends are a little envious because as they say, I am doing what we should be doing in our 40s....having fun.  Maybe so, but I am starting from scratch.  It has been a fun, albeit frustrating at times, experience.  I see a lot more dating in the future.  

I have tried new foods.  I tried raw kale and like it.  I now include it in my salads.  I like to eat edamame.  Although this food is a bit high in sugar for me, I ate a raw date and it rates up there with chocolate.  I eat cucumber, even put it in my water.   A vegetable I did not eat before.  I have yet to try jicama.  I suppose I should try it......many ladies in my Weight Watcher group swear by it.  I tried a turkey burger and have given up red meat.  Oh, and I now drink coffee!  My nose wrinkled up at the thought of coffee in the past.  I met a girlfriend for coffee and I decided to have a cup.  One cup and I was hooked.  What was I missing?!  But I will say I am not addicted to it.  Yet.  

Most importantly, I am becoming a new person.  My attitude has changed.  I am learning to not let people control me or guilt me into doing or not doing something I really want to do. No longer is the weight shielding me from trying new things.  Oh I completely forgot about an important new thing.  I bought my first 2 pc swimsuit EVER!  There is no stopping me from trying so many new things.  So what new thing are you going to try?!  

You choose the next post.......all about food or changes after the weight is lost?  Leave a comment with your choice.  Follow me so you'll never miss a post.  I welcome your friend requests and instagram following!  

"Be kind o one another."

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