Friday, May 22, 2015


            Have you thought of how many things you exchange?  We exchange clothing for a different size, appliances, shoes, and make up.  I thought of all the things I have exchanged in the last year and a half.  Some of them material and others non-material.  Even after losing 50, 75, or 100 lbs., I found it hard to try on smaller sizes.  So I would buy what I thought I would fit in only to have to take it back to the store and exchange it for a smaller size.  But now, after losing 165 lbs., I am exchanging one life for another one........a better, healthier, more exciting one!  I have ten more pounds before I reach goal and I am not sure what else I may have to exchange or for that matter return.  

These are just a few things I exchanged:

Getting breathless after taking a few steps
Fast food / junk food (hamburgers, pizza, candy, etc.)
Clothes that didn’t fit
Feeling uncomfortable in a chair with arms
Unhappy outlook on life….feeling of worthlessness/depression
Not being able to cross my legs
                Not able to see my feet in the shower
                Being afraid (or not able to) to sit down on the floor
        I exchanged these things for healthier food choices……more fruits and vegetables.  I am a connoisseur of salads and can’t get enough of them.  I now walk 2.5 miles 6 days a week and work with a trainer 1x a week.  And I’ll try kayaking this weekend…..something new and exciting!  I now have too many choices when it comes to clothes. I can now fit into just about anything.  I no longer fear chairs with arms.  Instead when I sit in one, there is actually room left over.  I can now cross my legs and feel womanly.  And when I look down in the shower, I can actually see my feet!  And the awesome pedicure I have done to treat myself for a job well done! And sitting down on the floor…..that’s where I got the idea for today’s post.  I sat down on the floor to put together something at work. 
        Next week I’ll talk all the new, never before things I have done! Spoiler……it includes my first bathing suit in 20+ years!!  Remember don’t forget to follow me on this exciting journey!

“Be kind to one another.”

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