Sunday, October 9, 2016

After all tomorrow is another day.......

"I can't think about that today.  I"ll think about that tomorrow.  After all tomorrow is another day." Ahh, our dear friend Scarlett.  The eternal southern girl, girlie girl, and sometimes downright vengeful.  But she is loved!  

I have said that too many times.  It's an easy thing to think and say.  I said it BWW (Before Weight Watchers) when I was heavier.  It was easy.  Saying "I'll think about that tomorrow" somehow let me off the hook of something staring me in the face.  It was sort of like a doctor's note saying it was okay to eat whatever I was going to eat.  

I still say it today.  And like before, it's when I've stumbled and been run off the main path.  How funny is it that those words are uttered when I've had a bad day?  I've either eaten something I'm really not supposed to eat or not tracked.  I fear I'm falling  back in to some old habits.  Okay, maybe new "old" habits.  I shouldn't be saying "I'll think about that tomorrow" unless I'm thinking about what to wear, where I'm going, or what to do on a weekend.  

So, I have been losing the same 5-7 pounds over and over it seems.  Why can't I get the ball rolling and get back to that happy number?  Yes, I know the number shouldn't matter.  But I've talked about this and I would hope you would understand where I'm coming from.  You have been in that place too, you know. The fear of what I've lost is finding its "weigh" back.  Fifteen of its friends did.  Food has become too comfortable lately.  I can blame it on dating or being stuck at home until recently, but truly and honestly, it's just become too comfortable.  I can start the day out strong and last until lunch time.  The spiral happens after lunch and once I get home.  I'm over the Chex Mix obsession....THANK GOODNESS!  But there are things just as bad looming around in the pantry or at my local HEB.  

If I give in to the spiral, it's because I've told myself let's think about this tomorrow.  This!  Oh, the fact I have shamefully put on 15 pounds since reaching goal.  I realize it happens to "everyone." Although I'm not sure who "everyone" is sometimes.  I've chatted with a few lifetimers, goal reachers who are struggling just like me.  Wonder if they "think about that tomorrow?"  

I challenged myself a week or so ago to track everything that went in my mouth.  I fell short of the challenge.  Not sure what's the cause or what I can blame it on.  Where is the me who oh so diligently tracked everything and turned her nose up at cookies, chocolate chips, and other not so diet friendly foods?  Where is the me who couldn't wait to get out (even with the chickens) and walk?  

Apparently Scarlett swept her away into the world of "Let's think about that tomorrow."  I am still a very different person than I was 3 years ago, goodness, even 2 years ago.   Am I living the life I so desperately wanted?  Um....I would say yes with a few exceptions.  For someone who is bull headed and doesn't adapt to change all that well, Scarlett's infamous words have become all too common in my vocabulary.  

So, I vow, I have said that famous quote for the last time.  From this point forward, there will be no circumstances for me to utter those words......well, I should say circumstances involving weight loss or food.  Since the arrival of these 15 little pound visitors, I have been bound and determined to get them off.  I still am.  Focus, Focus, Focus!! I can do this!  I can lose those stubborn 15 pounds.  

I am a lifetimer for goodness sakes!  Lifetimers do not "Think about that tomorrow."  

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