Sunday, November 13, 2016

There's a bit of Dorothy in all of us

Ahh... The Wizard of Oz.  There are two quotes quite famous, and personally faves of mine.  "You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself."  "There's no place like home." But as I was "googling" these quotes, I saw another one that goes along with my blog.  "It's always best to start at the beginning. And all you do is follow the yellow brick road."

I've been out of touch lately.  I was meandering around missing a weigh in here and there.  Not attending meetings like I should.  I told myself I needed to revamp, recharge and maybe find another meeting.  I'll be the first to admit it....I do NOT adapt to change well. But this is a change I needed.  A change to recharge, get me excited about what I've done, what I need to do to stay here and how to get back to my goal.

I have been struggling with getting back to my goal that I reached last December.   Sometimes I think did I really reach that number.  I my friend Charline says, "it's documented!"  My problem(s) (some days it's more than one) is that I haven't been committed to tracking.  I will track breakfast, which is easy, and mostly lunch, but then forget about the rest of the day.  I tell myself, friends, and type it on this screen that I need to track better.  I need to track everything.  Well, that old adage of saying "Easier said than done" is TRUE!   A glimmer of a gold star is that my walking hasn't suffered.  Much.

There's no place like home.  I must confess, and some of you have heard this, but I wasn't at Lifetime very long before some of the weight found its way back.  So, why would I call the goal I reached "home?"  It's a number that was almost unattainable until a year or so ago.  It's a number that is far away from another number I crave so desperately to stay away from.  I sometimes think if I could just click my heels 3 times and utter those magic words, the scales would show that number.  But then what would that teach me.

It took me a while to realize I had the power to improve myself, lose the weight and become healthier.  With the help of Weight Watchers and some amazing supporters, If found the power and have changed my lifestyle for good.  Sometimes part of me wonders if my body is happy at the number I continue to hover.  But the "home" number looked so good.  Then I think because of the power and determination, I reached that number.  As my leader told me (and she is so wise), it seems I'm obsessing over something I so don't want to happen; so much that I am navigating towards it. Instead put my mind in a new focus and mindset with the number I want to be and I will navigate towards it.

As it was for Dorothy, it's not easy to follow the yellow brick road.  But she never stopped trying to get home, dodging the wicket witch and flying monkeys.  So if I stick to my yellow brick road and keep my eye on home, I'll eventually make it.  Okay, so there's wizard to make the weight come off easy, but Weight Watchers helps to show me I've had the power to change.   I don't always like the scale.  But it takes real courage to step on the scale and face whatever fear that are there.

I finally took a step back and cleared my head.  The power has been with me all along.  I grow stronger every day on my journey down the yellow brick road.  There's going to be flying monkeys and wicked witches along the way.   I don't often take time to realize how far down the yellow brick road I've already come.

Sure, there are days when I wish I could click my heels and be taken back to January of 2015.  When I received the coveted gold key to Lifetime.  I'll eventually get there again.  Dorothy will be there, along with my other wonderful supporters, to help me.

I have started tracking once again, both online and on paper.   Just another step to getting home.

Y'all have a great week and enjoy your own journey down the yellow brick road.


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