Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Always stay Humble and Kind

"When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you, when the work you put in is realized, let yourself feel the pride but always stay humble and kind.......Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why: Bitterness keeps you from flyin'....always stay humble and kind.........When you get where you're going don't forget turn back around and help the next one in line always stay humble and kind." 

Some of you may be scratching your heads. Wait, what does a Tim McGraw song have to do with Weight Watchers and weight loss.  The more I listen to this song, the more I like it.  A song almost always starts out as a true story or inspiration, etc.  And you know me, I can get inspiration from the strangest of things and places.  

I feel like I am on my way back to being in control.  I worked hard recently and lost almost 4½ lbs.  I stared the homemade cake and pies, macaroni and cheese, and left over Halloween candy (brought to the office almost a month late!) in the eye and said you're not worth it.  Okay, so I didn't actually say it, but you know what I mean.  And I reaped the rewards when I stepped on the scale.  It's all part of getting back to goal....that oh so wonderful number.  

No, I'm not saying any one of my readers/followers is not humble and kind.  I used not to really want to tell people how much I have lost.  But at the same time, I was amazed at the looks on peoples' faces when I did tell them.  I find myself now, telling people freely.....the delivery man from Jimmy Johns when he delivers sandwiches to our office just about every day.  My co-workers....whether they want to hear it or not (meant in a comical way).   And while I haven't lost my humbleness, I find myself telling people what I've done hoping for some kind of reaction.....some kind of sign that what I did was most important.   When I submitted my story to Weight Watchers (for the final time), of course I hoped that People would pick me.  But I am just one among thousands of people who have done the unthinkable, the almost unattainable.  I realized not having a magazine cover wouldn't take away the importance of what I did.  What I did for myself........healthier self.  

It almost always starts out as a dream.  The dream to lose 20, 40, 60, 100 pounds.  I started with a dream long ago, but when I was diagnosed with diabetes it was more of a will to live and live healthier.  To say I never dreamt of losing 100 pounds, let alone 200, would be a lie.  I did dream....long long ago.  Reaching my goal was something I worked so hard to achieve.  At the same time, I didn't quite know how to feel proud of myself.  It wasn't until I finished my first half marathon and ran across the finish line that I realized how proud I should be......of myself.

I believe it now when Weight Watcher life timers say that maintenance is harder than losing the weight.  I believe.....I believe!!  It's been a somewhat of a rocky road back to where I belong.  And at times I've held a grudge against this weight that keeps hanging on.  But if I hold a grudge, then it's almost like I'm letting the weight stay.  

I am told quite often that I am an inspiration to others.  Maybe silently being an inspiration (and sometimes offering advice and supportive words) is my way of staying humble and kind to "the next one in line."  There is always someone behind us traveling the same journey.  Just like on the roadways when a stranger stops to help another stranger, everyone should turn around and help those that appear to be struggling.  

Like Thanksgiving 2016, I am thankful of my journey and where it has led me.  I am thankful that I found great friends and supporters that know where I have been, where I'm going, and where I am now.  As I carefully lay out my strategy of Thursday and the Thanksgiving feast, I will stare the cheesecake and homemade cornbread dressing (made famous by my mom) and say you're not worth it.   I will go for a walk after dinner before heading out with my mom to Michael's as our Thanksgiving tradition continues.  

Gobble Gobble!  Happy Thanksgiving!

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