Friday, May 12, 2017

It's story time..........where's your book?!

I'm sure memories of mom, dad, and even grandma and grandpa telling stories (most of the time made up) are still alive.  My grandmother knew the story of the Teeny Tiny Woman by heart.  She lived in a Teeny Tiny House and.....oh, where was I?!  Yes, it's story time, but a different kind.  Find a comfortable spot, maybe turn down the light, grab that book that you love so much.  You know which one I'm talking about. Maybe it has many volumes or it's the first of a series.  Are the edges tattered? Frayed?  Or maybe they are still looking brand new.  

My book has many chapters.  About 10 I think.  It's non-fiction and unlike most stories or books, where the climax usually happens in the middle, the excitement starts with Chapter One.  It had been building over the years.  And the pages are waterlogged and crinkly.  The cover has come off a few chapters.  But I wouldn't trade it in for the world.  Would you?  There is no end to jump ahead to.  In fact, there is no end.  A member of my Weight Watcher meeting had a great description.  Her book was like a book that gave you choices, if you choose this path, continue with this story.  I thought that was a great way to look at it.  In a way, this blog I keep is my book.  Feel free to reread some of the chapters.  

Before I go on, here's a little tid bit most of you do not know.  I have written a true book.  A love story.  No, it's not been published, although I'd like for it to be.  A love, happily ever after story. When I wrote it and typed it, we were still in the age of "floppy" discs - the 3.5 kind!  I know!  Well, something happened with the disc and I lost everything I had written up to that point. I was devastated.  I ended up REWRITING the entire thing.  So now you know something about me. Maybe one of these days it will be in the book stores and you can say "I know that girl!  She has accomplished great things!"

The beginning of this book started long before I was diagnosed with diabetes, before I accomplished this great feat and started this blog.   The other day I looked back at the first chapter.  First chapter of what was going to be an awesome journey!  Maybe the name should be "Chapter One: Weight Watchers, here I come."  I am in awe of how my book looks.  I remember emotions I felt at certain points.  Like the day before my 20th HS reunion and emotions ran high as I had lost 41 lbs.  More than I had aimed for.  Or the night I joined Weight Watchers (before the hospital visit) and cried after stepping on the scale because I had not reached 400 lbs. And how about the day I reached both goals. The first one losing 180 lbs.  Then the second one losing 202 lbs!  

Would I rewrite my book?  I don't think so.  For a minute, I thought I might.  But then I wouldn't be the person I am today.  I wouldn't be a strong, empowered and determined woman if I had not gone through what I did.  I may not be the person who enjoys 5ks or looks forward to Thursday night yoga. As I have seen posted and written many times, life doesn't happen by accident.  If I rewrote my book, would I have still me being diagnosed with diabetes.  Umm.....that's a hard one.  Maybe, maybe not. Although I was headed in a downward spiral if I hadn't done something, being diagnosed with diabetes saved my life.  That would be Chapter 8: Diabetes - Friend or foe"  It ended up being my friend.  

This book will never end.  It sort of reminds me of when the meeting leader handed out journals every week for members to record in. Each week she would pick them up and recirculate them. Each of us adds on to this book.  A personal touch is added.  It will never be completed.   

Where are you in your book?  Are you just starting? Or have you gone back and thought of how you felt at certain points?  Is it decorated?  Keep it close by and hopefully it will be one to go back to time and time again.  Only to reread. Not to rewrite.  

Have an awesome weekend.....
I'll be sprinkling Glitter all the Weigh!


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