Friday, June 9, 2017

It's a great picture when all the puzzle pieces come together

This post is a bit of a cross over with my dating blog.  The subjects are the same....puzzles.  Mainly the puzzle pieces.  After reading this one, I invite you to hop on over to my dating blog.  I may be a weight losing, glitter carrying diva, but I am also Dating and Afraid.  Just a little humor.  This is where you might laugh.  

There are so many puzzle pieces and the outcome when they come together is unlike the kind of puzzle you might buy at a store.  Once those puzzle pieces are put together, it's either a group of kittens or a collage of ice cream cones.  But, in a way, both take a while to complete.  The weight loss puzzle starts out with all these pieces and it's up to us to put them together correctly for a workable outcome.  In the beginning, we uncover the puzzle pieces one at a time.  And it can be aggravating and challenging.  There may be times when we might feel we are missing a piece or two.  A piece we just know will fit.

Those of us who have chosen to change our lifestyle and live it healthier, might feel like this change is a jigsaw puzzle.  Certain aspects of this healthy lifestyle, weight loss journey, are pieces.  We have to sort them out and fit them together.  Then Ta-Da!  We have solved the puzzle.  As with the many times before when I joined Weight Watchers, I hoped that everything would come easy to me. Like that 500 piece puzzle.  You think, 500 pieces!  Easy breezy!  It takes time.

That starter kit looks shiny and new.  Everything is laid out on the table and once the material is studied, you realize it will take some time to sort out.  Then reality hits home and the thought "Oh my goodness!  What did I just do?" might enter your head.  I know it entered mine.  Especially after I found out I was diabetic and everything had to change.

In order for the puzzle to stay together, a framework must be put in place.  A health conscious eating plan.  Good guidelines learned at Weight Watcher meetings.  A list of healthy options; fruit, vegetables, lean protein, good fat,etc.  If you're bold, maybe some bathroom scales.  A food scale to weigh all that deliciousness.  The framework has to be solid.   There might be a lot of pieces with the same color.  And it can be really boring at times.  There's excitement at the beginning but then life and every day routines kick in and results might be, well, amazing.  But despite efforts, the puzzle is taking time to come together.  Sow how do you get them to fit?

As long as the program is followed, then results will be good.  A pound lost here, 2 lbs. lost there. Awesome!  Good habits are formed and a circle of support is built.  Support is essential to help getting through difficult, sometimes challenging, times.  Then there will be days when you want to toss the puzzle back in the box, hands go up in the air.  That's where the awesome support comes in! To keep focus on the finished picture.

Eventually the puzzle pieces come together and the picture of a healthier person comes into view. That's how I felt when I reached my final goal.  All the hard work, trying to sort out the puzzle, putting it together, walking away from it at times, paid off.  I am rewarded every day by good health, energy and growing confidence.

All those new healthy habits that formed the framework are not going to budge.  There might be pieces still to be gathered but it will only make the picture more amazing when it's finally completed.
Have a great weekend!


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