Monday, May 1, 2017

We are the face of Weight Watchers.....We are Weight Watchers

For those who have just begun this awesome healthy journey or have been on it for awhile, there is a final resting place for our former selves.  The event that changed my life was so scary, so matter of fact.  I felt like I was in the last quarter of the game and I had one chance to score. This is our past, fellow Weight Watchers.  How we got here is different, yet the same.  We have walked in each other's shoes.  This is who we are....Today.  I want to talk about the opponent.  They're salty, sweet, chocolaty, and in a box / package, they look much better.  And they know it too.  But let me tell you something they don't know.  They don't know your will power.  You do.  I do.  You have shown it may times, inspiring others along the way. Friends, family, and leaders have seen it. Celebrating every small victory with you! Shown yourselves just exactly who you are.  How committed - how strong you have become.  

There will be times when being benched is the way to go.  When that happens, cheer on the teammates, encourage them to give it all they've got.  Offer support and guidance to those that fear they'll throw the game.  

When you step on that scale, feel proud of what you've done.  Own up to any slips.  With every ounce of courage in your body, lay it on the line until the scale registers the final number.  If you do that, you cannot lose (speaking figuratively of course!).  We may be behind on the scale at the end of the day but work the program, and defeat will not show its face.  There are those who are the biggest supporters but cannot be on the journey, but they watch from where they are.  You can bet they'll be clapping and smiling with every pound lost.  How you (and I) work the program, from this moment on, is how we will succeed.  Will inspire.  This is an opportunity to rise up and grab those Weight Watcher charms!  

We are....Weight Watchers!  We are....powerful!  WE are.....the many faces of Weight Watchers! 

And it doesn't hurt to have poms poms full of glitter!  


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