Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I wish I may......I wish I might......first star I see tonight

"We don't wish for the easy stuff; we wish for the big things.  Things that are ambitious, out of reach.  We wish because we need help, and we're scared, and we know we may be asking too much.  We still wish though, because sometimes they come true."

It happens every week; Monday arrives with determination and a renewed sense of focus.  Monday is rarely liked but with its determination, it shows up time and time again.  The rest of the days are a little easier to handle.  I started this blog on Monday and yet here I am.....still trying to write it.  On one of my walks with my friend this week, she said something that made me think what a great subject.  I need to start stopping in my tracks then and there and take note.  

Wishes.  I remember being younger and looking through JCP Wishbook and other toy catalogs making my Christmas list. Writing them all down (with pictures too) and giving the list to my grandmother or mom.  This time of year, I think there are more wishes spoken aloud than any other time.  Wouldn't it be great if everyone had their own special genie who granted those wishes?

Although I started last week out on a bad mental note, I thought I ended up okay.  I got a little disappointed and agitated at the beginning of last week but by Wednesday I was feeling okay.  I think I got wrapped up in feeling good about covering whatever was annoying me with glitter I forgot to seriously track.  Plus, and not that it was bad food, I ate some things I normally don't eat.  You can guess what the result of last week was.  I wish every Sunday morning when I step on that scale that it continues to go down.  Sunday it did not.....sadly.  Although a small amount, I'll keep the number to myself; but it was disappointing.  

Although they are different than just a year or so ago, my wishes are still for big things.  At times when I would like to buy some clothes, buy something for myself, or do something spontaneous, I wish I had a full time job.  As I stand looking at myself in the mirror, I wish the extra skin would go away.  A magic wand could be waved and it would disappear.  I wish I could see myself the way other see me.   All wishes.  Hoping that one of two of them come true.  And I still have those wishes that almost every woman has.  Oh how sometimes I wish I had a fairy godmother.

Wishes are powerful things (this time I took a mental note of what she said....of course it helped it that we were almost home).  Hmmm.....powerful things.  This is true.  They can help us grow and make us realize it's okay to have help with wishes.  I am proof that some of my previous wishes have come true.....I wished that I could lose weight.  I wanted a phenomenal group of friends and the wish came true.

There are mornings when I wake up and wish I didn't have the struggles I deal with.  But then life would be perfect and what fun is that!?  Perfect life means no wishes.  No wishes!  I am learning that nothing is out of reach.  I just have to wish a little harder.

So get out your paper and pen and write down what you wish for.  Your Wish List.  It's okay to say them out loud.  You never know when they might come true!

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