Tuesday, November 3, 2015

No one ever said it would be easy......

"Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step  Then you start your journey.  You hope for the best and you stick with it, day in and day out.  Even if you're tired, even if you want to walk away.  You don't.  Because you are a pioneer.  But nobody ever said it would be easy."

"Life is not a spectator sport.  Win, lose, or draw, the game is in progress whether we want it to be or not.  So go ahead.....argue with the refs, change the rules, cheat a little, and tend to your wounds. But play.  Play.  Play hard and play fast.  Play loose and free.  Play as if there's no tomorrow.  Okay, so it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game, right?"

I thought these quotes summed up this past week pretty well for some of you.  If you need something else; something to make you laugh, I think this will.  Picture it: an attorney's office in the middle of trial preparation.  We are all headless chickens at this point with trial just a week away.  Lights go out in the bathroom.  Our office has no janitorial service nor any "handyman" service.  While I am at the office trying to figure out a way to change the three fluorescent bulbs, the other assistant is running errands for our bosses.  He has pulled the "brother" card and told her not to come back to the office without a bulb for the bathroom.  Thanks to my pictures, she finds the bulbs and he also has told her to get their lunch before she heads back.  She waits and waits some more for their order......not waiting on the restaurant but our bosses to text her!  So she tells me that if she can't come back without a bulb, she's so not coming back without their sandwich!!  In the meantime I have hijacked a step ladder from another office.  At this point, the attorneys are so oblivious as to what is going on, we could be changing the light bulb in our underwear and they wouldn't know the difference.  She came back and we proceed to change the bulbs.....well, at least learn how to.  With me being the most graceful one (sarcastic laugh), I am on the top of the ladder.  She is keeping it grounded.  Together, we got the bulbs in and we had light in the bathroom once again.  After returning the ladder, I kidnapped a broom because I broke one of the burned out bulbs.  At least we were able to laugh about the day.

So, some of you had a bad minute last week.  And Halloween weekend didn't help the situation at all. I suppose all those fears got to some of us.  I hear stress also came to visit.  Stress can be a harmful thing.  So you might be dangling from the wagon or completely off of it.  You might have been at mile 98 and turned back....not on purpose but turned back you did. It is scary to think about starting from square one again.  You feel uneasy about walking in that door to a meeting, stepping on the scale and seeing the damage.  I know!  I've been there......more times than I care to count.

But you know how to get the job done.  I don't think I wrote about this....forgive me if I have.  You can skip to the next paragraph if this sounds familiar.   It was my stint with Weight Watchers before my high school reunion.  I know I've written about the reunion, but I don't think I mentioned how frustrated I was after the first week.  I stepped on the scale and was up 2 pounds.  I cussed out the program and exaggerated a little.  I shouted I didn't understand because I drank like 2 gallons of water....okay so it was more like 1 gallon of the course of the entire week.  But I knew what to do and finally got my mind with the program.

I'm not saying you don't know what it takes.  Sometimes the mind needs recharged and given a refresher course as to why we're doing what we're doing.  Then sometimes the bad minute is because we get complacent with where we are.  I experienced that not too long ago.  I became comfortable with where I was at the time and the exploration of my new self had started.  Then I realized how complacent and comfortable I was and recharged my mindset.  I reminded myself of why I started this journey.....what caused me to start this journey.

The door to Weight Watchers is ALWAYS open!  No need to watch everyone else go in.  If dangling off the wagon, grab hold with the other hand and pull up.  Climb back on and smile!  If chasing the wagon, just shout and it will wait.  We know what it takes to get the job done.  It's scary! I know how scary it can be.  I knew it took 3 bulbs for the bathroom light.  With a little help the job got done. And no one likes failure!  When the numbers don't go in the right direction, those feelings show themselves.  When I was told my position at the courthouse was eliminated, I was heartbroken.  I talked with my old boss.  Among agreeing to give me a reference, he said if someone called, he'd be honest and tell them I cry but I get over it real quick and move on.  Have a cry, get angry, then move on.  Know what it takes to get back on the wagon and get the job done.

Have a great week!  Summer has made its exit and Fall has arrived!  Make plans to enjoy it.

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