Tuesday, November 24, 2015

GiveThanks for what is now and for what is to come!

"Give thanks for a little and you will receive a lot." 

(Those of you keeping track, I did very well last week....after getting frustrated with my gain the prior week....and lost 5 lbs!  Only 4.8 lbs to go before the finale!). 

Brrr! Well, it appears we skipped fall and headed right into winter.......at least for a couple of days! Don't fret......those predictable Texas temps will come back just in time for Thanksgiving on Thursday (note sarcasm in voice) with another shot of winter air afterwards.  

This week will be filled with menu planning, family time, and celebration of the 1st major holiday of the 2015 holiday season!  Thanksgiving!  It can also be filled with nervousness and anxiety.  The menu planning alone can cause sweat breakouts.  The holiday can cause stress like no other for those on the path to losing weight.  But if we're focused and determined, Thanksgiving can come off without a hitch.  A couple of months ago, while perusing the web looking at Weight Watcher blogs, I came across one with an acronym for Thanksgiving.  But when I really want it now, it's nowhere to be found.  Ha!  But I found this one from a blog.  The original blogger said she saw it a WW meeting.  
I imagine most are already picturing the "temptation" table filled with mashed potatoes, southern cornbread dressing, sweet potatoes dressed in everything from marshmallows to pecans, and the overflowing basket of rolls.  In the middle is the turkey and somewhere on the table are green beans loaded with mushroom soup and fried onions.  And those desserts!  The horror! It comes every year and every year our readiness level increases.  I will occupy my  time with seeing my nephew and my step/bonus niece.  I will delight in participating in the GE Run Through the Woods for the first time. Squash those temptations like a bug!

In our Sunday meeting, the leader asked us what we were thankful for.   Thankful.  Definition of the word looks like this: pleased and relieved; expressing gratitude and relief.  Well, if I answer with this week in mind, I am pleased that I lost what I gained (and more) and relieved I remained focused. Answering with my entire journey in mind, well, it requires some thought.  Believe it or not I am thankful for that diagnosis in 2014 that made me realize the time is now.  Thankful that God has not faltered or given up on me.  He knew who the person inside was all along.  To be able to walk double digit miles 5 days a week (single digit miles on the weekend) and enjoy it.  And to walk with an awesome person who knows me inside and out.

Most of my life I have stayed in the shadows, under the radar, only to peek out occasionally.  I felt left out and like I didn't belong. I am thankful for the support, friendship, and kindness from the Sunday morning Weight Watcher group.  I walk in and know that no one will judge, snicker or look me up and down.  I am thankful that, for whatever reason, I chose this Sunday morning group.

I am thankful I am learning more and more to make healthy options when temptation doesn't leave me alone.  My leader forwarded me a link to a blog that I read this morning.  Oh my goodness... such an insightful and thought provoking blog.  I am thankful I am not alone on this wild journey.  My life has taken a whirlwind turn and gone in directions I never knew existed.

Thankfulness for losing the weight I have lost and feeling fantastic!  I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for the journey I have been on.  Gratitude for myself for becoming a stronger person.  Relief in knowing that temptations do not get the best of me.  Gratitude for those along with me for the ride.
Thursday hands will be joined across tables to give Thanks.  Thanks that maybe the potatoes have a little less butter or cream cheese in them.  Thanks that there are two dishes of steamed green beans with almonds and oooh, that Pumpkin Fluff.  I will give thanks that I have a job (albeit part time, a job), good health, family I can't live without, and that I was able to finish the 3 mile walk earlier in the day with GE Run Through the Woods. What are you thankful for?  What will you express gratitude for?  Are you pleased you strategized and as a reward, that glass of wine has your name on it?

Gobble Gobble!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Just in case you need it....

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