Sunday, December 13, 2015 comes whether we like or not. Embrace the change!

Change.....we don't like it, we fear it.  But we can't stop it from coming.  We either adapt to change, or we get left behind.  It hurts to grow.  Anybody who tells you it doesn't, is lying  But here's the truth: Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same.  And sometimes, oh, sometimes, change is good.  Sometimes change is everything!

I have grown so much in the last several months.  And I will continue to grow and sometimes it may not be pretty!  Will I ever eat a fast food hamburger again?  Probably not.  Will I change what I eat for breakfast?  Maybe.  But those plain Cheerios are just that awesome!  What I will do is add things I want to do to my mental list which I probably should put on paper.  

Two hundred two pounds!  And six ounces........those ounces are important!  Weight I will NEVER see again.  I will continue to learn how to make that happen.  I'm sure it will include change.  

So here's a list of things I want to do:

Start running
Participate in a half marathon (will do in 2016)
Participate in a full marathon
Be in a 5K every month
Learn how to two step
Become serious about my yoga practice (haven't been lately.....sure they are missing me)

I am sure I will think of more things I want to do.  But for now, that's a start. 

Change.  Growth.  Change is feared and growth hurts.  But when change is embraced, no one is left behind.   And as for the growth (new or otherwise), it may only hurt for a moment.  As women we go through a lot more just to look pretty.  We can deal with a little change and growth!  As weight is lost, why not embrace (or adapt) to the new changes?!  Sometimes change is everything and can be oh so good!

Y'all have an amazing week.  Embrace the new changes in the new Smart Points program.  Maybe a new favorite food will be found.  

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