Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year...........fresh starts

"Fresh starts.  Thanks to the calendar, they happen ever year.  Just set your watch to January.  Put your past behind you and start over."  

How was the survival of the Christmas holidays?  One more holiday to go.  Resolutions being written?  Are there changes?  Or maybe the week was bad and you wished to Undo It!  Or maybe undo the last few months or this past year.    

I am starting maintenance week 3.  I finished week 2 on a happy note. Happy to report I lost the gain from celebration week. No more peanuts, cookies or crackers.  All the cookies got delivered on Christmas Eve (see photos below).  Back on plan and increased my activity.  It felt so good to go back to eating what I normally eat.  An apple has never tasted so good.  Thank goodness!   Just 4 more to go.

There were several moments (sometimes days or weeks) I wish I could undo.  Sometimes not even food related.  The moments I took a step outside my comfort zone and made a complete fool of myself.  Knowing it's better to leave well enough alone. There'll be more I'm sure, but I will learn to pick and choose.

With regard to those things food related, even during this journey, I wish I could undo times I ate too much (the apps that added on) or drank too much.  The times when, instead of an activity to feel better, I ate to have the feeling of inadequacy go away.  I wish I could undo the last 5-6 years.  But, if I look at it another way, it's all part of the journey. Part of the exploration of one's self.  For those 5-6  years brought me to this place and started this journey.

So a new year begins this week! I am excited about starting 2016. I believe it will be the best year yet for us!  My resolutions will change and for the first time in a few years, it will not have "lose weight" on it.  It will not have "start walking" on it.  The box I built around myself is no longer.........although the barbwire fence around my heart is still there.  Only certain people are allowed beyond the fence.  It will take a strong (and special) person to tear away the fence.

A good friend of mine gave me a glass box for Christmas to put all my wishes and dreams in.  I will write them down on pieces of paper and tuck them safely in the box.  One wish will be missing (one that came true)....the one wish that I could/would lose weight.  Maybe I need to include it and instead of "wish" on the piece of paper, put "came true."

My other friend gave me a packet of different color fit bit bands so I can walk in style with a different color every day!  So I am safe while walking early in the morning (or as one friend puts it, "in the middle of the night"), my walking buddy and BFF gave me some pepper spray.........and yes it's in a pink holder!

A new year.  It means so many things.  I will try to put the past behind me......although sometimes it's easier said than done.  Fresh start.  We all need a fresh start.  Maybe you look at the new Weight Watchers program with new eyes and new perspective.  Look at it with fresh eyes as if you were a new member.

What does a new year for me mean? It means expanding my comfort zone, living a little more, always learning how to live a healthy lifestyle and improve on myself.  To make sure that I know whatever I will want to undo is just part of life.  If we never wanted to undo things, then how boring would life be!  It means becoming a Weight Watchers lifetime member and being very proud of my accomplishment.  This one huge accomplishment.

Okay, so some of you may be asking what I have on my "resolution" list.  Alright, I'll give you a glimpse.  These are just a few.......this blog is already longer than I anticipated.

1.  Start running
2.  Run/walk 5K and marathons
3.  Perfect my yoga practice
4.  Take more time for me
5.  Learn to love the new me.

When you sit down to write those resolutions, maybe don't include "continue to lose weight," but something like "continue living a healthier lifestyle."  It's a fresh start.  Beginning on Friday, we have 365 days to look forward to.  When I started this post I initially thought about the moments I wish I could undo.  Then I started writing and it went in another direction.  I will remember when there are moments I wish I could undo, it's all part of living and exploring this new life of mine.

Happy New Year!  2016  will be the best year yet!

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