Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sometimes too much or too little is easier said than done.

"Happiness is a place between too little and too much"

I am on the cusp of making lifetime.....God willing.  I stayed away from bad foods this past week and it worked.  Lost the weight I put on week before last. Although just like a high school or college graduate, I am somewhat scared about reaching lifetime because that means I accomplished what I set out to do.  And now comes the task of maintaining it.  I'll probably lose some more to leave me a comfort zone.  Am I too scared? Absolutely!  

It's common knowledge that too much sugar or too much fat or too many calories is not good for anyone.  Yet, it isn't until Weight Watchers unveiled their new program that takes into account the sugars that we sit up and take notice.  Kind of like a wake up call.  

Take a emotion or personality trait and add the word too in front of it and that's me.  And I shrug at the idea when people say "just do this....." or "you have to be easy breezy...."  Hmph!  Easier said than done for me.  But I still forge ahead......trying not to be too trusting, too hard on myself, trying to be easy breezy.

For me, too  many sugars and certain numbers go up for me....blood glucose and weight.  For several years, my weight was too high, blood pressure, too high, and probably my blood sugars on overload. So I learned to take it down a notch.  But somewhere during the process, I may have made my way over to too little.  There was a time before my diabetic medicine was modified that I experienced low sugars.  And over the last year I realized I am way too competitive.....with myself and others apparently.  I walk an average of 16 miles a day.....which I enjoy,  My mother said recently I am walking too much.  Can someone walk too much?  The benefits of walking outweigh the thought that I may be doing too much.

I've always been too hard on myself.  With everything.  This has been pointed out time and time again.  But how does one learn not to be too hard on one's self?    The weight comes off week after week and the one week the umber rises, we beat ourselves up.  I know I do.  The first time it didn't bother me and I was able to handle it.  Most recently when  gained 10 lbs after reaching goal, I surprisingly handled that well.  But this last week when 5 lbs seemed to creep on, I nearly had a panic attack.

It was pointed out by my friend that I am too trusting.  I tend to give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt and search high and low for the good in everyone.  She said it's an admirable trait but at the same time can get me in trouble and do damage to my mental state.  I might agree with her, but at the same time I might be a little too naive.  I tend to believe, word for word, what some people say.(Gosh, need clarification.  No not you but the toxic ones.  The ones that tell you things to get something in return.  They tell you what you want to hear and I believe them) Whew!

So I went dumpster diving and pulled out that subject I swore to give up.  Because as my roller derby friend pointed out, giving up men is a lie.  But I will be sparse with my misadventures.  I was voicing my frustrations with my roller derby friend.  Why are there "rules" all over the web about "too much texting" will do this or "too little response" means that?  You have to understand at the age of 44½ (okay basically 45) I am having to deal with dating as a 20 or 30 something would.  Too little of the men texting and too much of me worrying about it just drives me crazy.  Something I will have to learn to deal with respectively so there won't be too much eating the wrong thing.  The Mexican meal with too many calories.

I will surge forward with my normal routine this week, probably walking too much, so I will make sure to make lifetime come next Sunday.  What does the rest of my life hold after next Sunday? Probably bouts of me being too hard on myself.  No doubt there will be moments of too much celebrating, resulting in eating too much.   I will probably continue, as to some, walking too much. Those fears of the weight coming back on will forever be there.  I will do whatever it takes to make sure they stay far away.   I will continue the mental battle and try to learn not to be too trusting and too hard on myself.  Also try to be easy breezy.

What do you do when you too much of this or too little of that?  You may find sometimes it is easier said than done.

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