Sunday, January 31, 2016

What does your (inner) family tree look like?

"...........there's a school of thought that the family you're born into is simply a starting point........They clothe you, feed you, take are of you until you're ready for the real world.........and find your tribe."

This blog is about my journey with Weight Watchers. I realize some of the content should be about eating habits, what's good and what's not good to eat.  Ups and downs about the new Smart Points Program  And I will go back to those subjects.  But it's also about the journey I am taking mentally after losing 202 lbs.  The transformation of my mind and changes in my reactions.  So indulge me for a little while longer.

As with reaching goal (both times), I celebrated a little after reaching lifetime.  As someone on my "family tree" pointed out, I worked really, really hard for this.  I deserve to heave sigh of completion/relief and enjoy a break.  Oh, and some of you know that I named my inner self (goddess) as Persephone.  Well, she changed her name to Pandora.  We like that name much better.  Persephone guided me through one chapter.  Pandora will help me with the next chapter/phase.....relax and have fun with this new life.

Just as losing 202 lbs. sometimes can be just so so, so can lifetime.  I realized today I can't really let my guard down and relax too much.  And I can't really slow down my walking.  I suppose that's a good thing.  I didn't like wine ALL that much and who needs the Maytag Blue cheese chips or lettuce wraps once a month.  Thank goodness I love apples and berries as much as I do.  So I will probably try to lose the difference to get down to the top of my range so I can have a 10-15 cushion.  So I won't be afraid to step on the scale the first time of the month when I attend a meeting.  The number still matters to me because I suppose it's one of the few things I can control.  And it's a fear.  

So family trees.  No, I'm not talking about the ones with Aunt Ida or Cousin Joe on them.  Nor the ones connecting lineage to a famous athlete or actor.  It is the inner family tree. You know the people that are in your support network.  They serve different purposes.  Those that are in your closet inner circle.  Some hang out on the farthest branch and those that flew the coop!   My inner family tree has changed many times in the last year.  I realized I need to have positive people on the inner branches. It is a little different than a fan club.  The people that help you succeed, lift you up, are there to suggest a healthier food option, and of course to help you celebrate.

At the top of my family tree is a lady whom I admire and go to for sensible, good for you advice. She will always make me laugh.  She's been married a long time so I entertain her with my singleista adventures.  Then I have my sisters........they know who they are.  Two blonds and one brunette. The paddle board queen, the roller derby diva, and one that tries to see the good in just about everyone. And maybe one or two thrown in there for good measure.  We are sassy at times and can make trouble if we're not careful.  We motivate each other and celebrate every small victory.  We influence each other. We may have differences, but at the end of the day, I don't know what I would do without them.

There are the cool aunts, Persephone and Pandora.  Of course these people do not exist but they help me with this transition.  Persephone guided me through one phase. When I needed a psych slap she was there.  When I was tired and thought I couldn't go any further, she told me I was not done. with the meaning of Pandora, I am curious as to what life holds for me.  I am curious just enough as to what may lay ahead but smart enough to choose the right box.....sometimes.

And of course, there is that one person who isn't really liked but is included in the tree because, well....let's face it what would our lives be without a person like this?!  My friend Laura suggested this one.....the perverted uncle.  He represents the men thus far that have taught me strange lessons and made me realize that just because the book cover looks interesting, doesn't mean you should turn the pages.  He represents those men that used me or just tossed me aside without a second look.

On those miscellaneous outer branches, are people that just hang out.  I may see them from time to time.  They represent what I once needed or thought I wanted.

Who is on your inner family tree?  There are those ties that bind and no matter what will never be broken.  The cool thing about an inner family tree is we get to pick who's on it.  And it can change as we do.   It's a brand new week, go have some fun and remember to bust a move!