Sunday, October 11, 2015

Did you say it?

Did you say it? I love you? I don't ever want to live without you.  You changed my life...did you say it?  Make a plan.  Set a goal.  Work towards it.  But every now and then, look around.  Drink it in. 'Cause this is it.  It might all be gone tomorrow.  

Anyone else watch/watched Grey's Anatomy?  I watched it from day 1 until a couple of years ago. After some of the main characters left, my enthusiasm for watching the show deflated.  There wasn't much left once McSteamy, Cristina, George, and McDreamy left.  But this is one of my favorite quotes or monologues from the show.  And it begged for a blog post.  

Our leader sent a text recently: Who has helped you in your weight loss journey? Take some time this week and thank them.  There are too many of you for me to text individually.   So here's my thank you: Thank you guys so much for all your encouraging, motivating, inspiring words.  When I least expect it, you surprise me with small tokens from your hearts. You make me smile and brighten my day.  

Make a plan.  Set a goal.  I started with a plan and a goal.  I worked towards it and once I got to it, I came up with a new plan.  I have done nothing but worked and fought since Day 1 to make sure this plan/goal worked.  I give 110% every day to achieve my goal(s).  I try to remain ever so focused never taking my eye off the prize.  I have just recently started living, as my friend/walking partner puts it.  Okay, so most of my living includes walking but at least I am out there living my life instead of looking.  There's no need to look for the prize as I already have it in my sights.  Some might say I already have the prize.  That may be, but there's the Grand Prize.

But maybe I haven't been living as I need to be.  Okay, so I tossed some non-material things to the dumpster to fill my head with glittery things.  But maybe they are the same things that are already on my mind just covered in glitter.  I need to really start living.  My new friend and walking buddy (I thank God for bringing her to me and I thank her every day) has no problem doing things on her own. Maybe I need to visit this "living" that I am doing and really live.  See the world.  I am so committed to this weight loss journey, and rightfully so, but as she puts it, I haven't taken a step back to really see what my accomplishments.

So I think I took a small step back and saw a glimpse of what I have done.  My friend talked about her friend who has decided to get serious about fitness and eating healthier. And what she wanted to weigh.  She said the number and I said, without knowing I said it, "I was at that point 100 lbs ago."  OMG....did I really say that?  Call it an Aha moment.  So I am going to try to stop and drink it in.  Stop and look around because it could all be gone tomorrow

Did you say it?  You have changed my life.  Did you say it?  I would be lost on this journey without you.  I love you.  We all have a plan we're working on.  We all have a goal to reach and prize in view. But there are times when we need to look around and be amazed at our accomplishment.  From one of my other favorite (fictitious) people, Ferris Bueller, Life moves pretty fast.  Stop and look around once in awhile otherwise you miss it!

Y'all have a great week.  I'm entering trial prep so I may not be churning these out as often but I'll do my best! 

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