Saturday, October 10, 2015

What would YOU do? (no John Quinoes is not going to jump out)

I still appear to be in that rut....still in a phase.  It's like my body is saying "Okay, so you want to lose 13 more pounds?  Well, it won't be easy so get ready for a bumpy ride.  It's getting pretty close to stopping time."  Great thing is there is always tomorrow and a fresh start.  But how many "fresh starts" do you give yourself before you realize it's more serious than just a fresh start?  

A couple of things caught me off guard this past week.  Situations that I walked into and had me asking myself "What do I do NOW?"   My attorneys are preparing for trial so I am very busy lately. We were in search of some exhibit stickers.  Popped in Office Depot.  Surely they would have them?  Nope.  So I called a couple of paralegal friends.  So I stop by to pick them up from one of the offices who said they had some.  The legal assistant hadn't seen me in a few months and said I looked good.  But she was more curious as to where all the loose skin went.  Really?  She wanted to know where the skin went when I wore my first two-piece.  I said it's there you just can't see it.  I was a little taken aback and baffled.  With all the questions or topics to talk about, she chose loose skin?  Then she wouldn't stop staring at my toes.  Needless to say I was glad to walk out of the office.  

Then on Friday, I walked into another situation asking the same question.  Still on the search for exhibit stickers, I called the attorney I used to work for.  Why not?  If anyone would have them, his office would and he would probably not recognize me.  Well, he wasn't there but I was told they did have some and I could have some.  So off I went and didn't even worry about who I might run into...that is until I walked in the front door.  Sitting at the reception desk....something she despised doing.....was my Nemesis.  A person who thought of nothing of throwing me under the bus several times.  I spoke politely to her and thanked her for the compliments.  Secretly I just wanted to grab the stickers and leave.  I probably talked her ear off.... I suppose because I didn't want to hear her talk.  

It made me think of other situations that would beg the question "What would YOU do?"  Not too many situations do I walk into that I can't handle.  Most of them I am trying to control blushing while someone praises my journey and how inspiring I am.   Eating out still presents itself as a situation where I ask "What would I do?"   Like this phase (a/k/a rut) I am going through. What should I do?  I seriously get back with the program.  Start doing some serious tracking and tracking everything.  Leave out the croutons, chocolate chips, snack-ish foods that don't do anything.  Keep unnecessary things out of my head that take up empty space.  

What would YOU do?  I asked that of myself when I thought about resetting my goal to losing more than I EVER imagined.  I knew what I wanted to do and would do.  What would YOU do?  When eating out, sometimes we can ask ourselves that, sometimes we don't listen to the answer.  When I ate out at Cheesecake Factory, staring at the basket of baked bread, the answer I told myself was not to have any OR just one small slice.  Instead, I wasn't listening and ate more than one slice.  

What would YOU do?  Have you asked yourself that recently?  Was it when the decision to start Weight Watchers was part of the solution?  There are people who are always going to ask weird questions.  Or if they are a friend, maybe not as supportive as you'd like.  Sometimes the situation presents itself ahead of time.  Other times, you are caught off guard by it.  You may have a second to ask "What would I do?"  Sometimes you don't.  But know that you are powerful enough to answer the question with the correct answer for you.  

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