Tuesday, October 6, 2015

It's just a phase

 I have been in a rut for the last couple of weeks. Tracking flew out the window along with eating right.  There were two days where I stopped walking before I reached 10,000 steps in the morning.  My routine is to walk until I reach 10,000 and it usually is between 5.5 and 6.5 miles...if I walk faster than normal, it takes 7 miles. Last Thursday and Friday I stopped after just 6 miles, never reaching 10,000 during the walk.  So new week, new determination, new day.  One day at a time right?

I have a nephew that will turn 3 in a few weeks.  Lately, he's been a little needy, scared of ghosts, and things under the slide.  Not wanting to go to day school.  And his eating has been less than perfect.  I keep telling my mother it's just a phase.  Since I have no children, I am only guessing at this.  My mom, of course, takes his not wanting to eat a waffle or not wanting to go to school personally.  The boy is 3-years old!

The rut I've been in is just a phase I tell myself.  Start tracking again and track everything that goes in my mouth and stick to good eating, and I'll get out of the phase.  Right?  Not always.  And I'm seeing a pattern starting to emerge.......one that I don't really like.  Instead of starting fresh the next day if I've over eaten or made some not so good choices, I sometimes blow off the week.  Why would I do that?  Although the phases I go through now are short lived, they are still phases and part of life.  Life happens and we can't control that.  I think I am getting more comfortable with the improved me and everything that comes with it that I am starting to slouch.

Some time ago, I was telling my leader what a normal day of eating for me is like.  And as you know, I do eat like a rabbit.  She asked me if I would be able to do that the rest of my life.  At that moment, I said Yes! sounding so convincing that I even believed myself.  I find myself slowly getting in that same rut I was in before I made my first goal.  Yes I can manage this new lifestyle for the rest of my life.  Is the fact that I am still in fight mode as my best friend puts it just a phase?  Could I be scared of reaching a stopping point?  Possibly.

Mind you, I am not binge eating by any means.  No Papa Johns delivery driver has shown up at my door nor have I driven through a fast food line.  But to me, I am eating things that if eaten too much of are not the right things.  I sometimes get addicted to things like croutons.  Lately it's been these wonderful tortillas.  I mentioned them on the facebook page.  And while one or two isn't bad, I don't stop at just one or two.  Just a phase? Sure.  And I started buying Free Cool Whip....the one that is just 15 calories for what 2 TBSP.  I thought I'd put it on my raspberry chocolate yogurt.  Nope.  If I'm lucky, I'll leave just enough but I eat the whole carton.  Why I am telling you this?  Why am I, someone who has a fan base much like Taylor Swift (you have to admit that was funny... hahahaha), because I am, after all, human.  I may walk close to half marathons 5 days a week, eat salads like they're my last meal, and go through lemons like I have my own lemon tree, but I, too, go through ruts.  And they are just that.....ruts....phases.  This too shall pass.

I want nothing more than to lose these 13 pounds and see what happens next.  I have already surpassed what I only dreamed would ever happen.  What's going to happen when I lose more than 200 pounds?  Well, there better be streamers hanging from the ceiling and a victory song.....and  crown!  Again, just kidding.  I sometimes think that all my walking and my enthusiasm to do it is just a phase.  I wake up more times than not thinking must I get out there and walk my 6 miles.  But I have a friend who has been a true blessing and pushes me when I don't think I can go any further.  She is with me doing 5Ks (okay only one so far but our plan is one a month) and excited to be doing it with me.  That is not a phase.

Is my weight loss journey a phase?  Absolutely not!  I cannot let the old me come near the new me. The foods I choose to eat might be, but not the entire premise.  Who knows what other phases are in my future?  They are just that............phases.  And I will get through them or grow out of them.

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