Thursday, August 20, 2015

All I Really Need To Know about weight loss I Learned from Weight Watchers

Most of what I really need to know about what to do and how to be successful at weight loss I learned in a meeting room at Weight Watchers.  Weight is not lost in the line at Burger King or Papa Johns Pizza counter, but in a Weight Watcher meeting room every Sunday.  These are the things I have learned:

Track, track, track!  Persistence is key here when tracking.  You may not have to do it forever, but tracking keeps you honest with yourself.  Make an effort to track every day.  

Never miss a meeting (well almost never)  The weekly meetings are awesome (at least to me).  And you learn so many tips and tricks from others who attend.  With a new topic of discussion each week, you learn how to be successful at weight loss.  I have made some great friends and look forward to every Sunday morning. 

It isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle.   I learned to enjoy that I am embarking on a lifestyle change. Don't use the word diet. The word implies this is a short term, quick fix.  A quick fix will not help you lose weight & keep it off. Commit to it. Own it. Defend it when others question it. 

Learn to enjoy activity.  If walking isn't your thing, try something else.  Exercise, along with healthy eating, promotes weight loss.  Rock climbing, kayaking, even two stepping are great activities.  

You got to have support.  Losing weight is somewhat easier when we have support from those that we love as well as others who are on this journey with us.  You can find support in the meetings and who knows, may make a friend or two.  And those supporters will cheer your 5 lb., 1 lb., or even .6 lb. weight loss.  

Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.  Just couldn't resist leaving this one in.  The "somebody" meaning ourselves.  We often talk negative to ourselves.  Apologize when you say negative things about the way you look or your progress.

Learn to love the scale.  Whether it reflects a loss or gain, embrace the scale and its numbers. Although they are just numbers, we sometimes let them and the scale dictate how we are doing.  No more.  Love the scale and whatever comes from it. 

Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.  As long as you track them! And don't have the entire plate/pan of warm cookies and entire gallon of milk. 

Live a balanced life (something I am working on).  Sure, you can eat most of all the fruits and vegetables you want, but that's probably going to get old at some point.  Variety is the spice of life. Same goes for exercise.  Don't take a cue from me and only do one crazy walking....but do different things.  I do yoga once a week. 

Learn some and think some  What you get out of the weekly Weight Watcher meeting is entirely up to you, but try to learn new things, things that make you think too.

And play and work everyday some.  Yes, it takes work to be successful at weight loss.  And you must be committed and work at it every day.  But you also have to take breaks and play some. Playing may mean doing a new activity or getting that pedicure to reward yourself. 

And when you go out into the world remember to, 

Hold hands and stick together.  Okay, so maybe not hold hands, but it's a must to have a Weight Watcher buddy.  A buddy can help you stay accountable and offer advice when needed.  

Be aware of wonder. may ask you learned that in Weight Watchers?!  Wonder.  Be aware of new things around you.  New food to try.  New experiences.  In the midst of your weight loss journey, try to have a balanced journey.  Cherish even those days when you don't track, knowing it's just one day, and (have to throw a little Scarlet in for you) after all, tomorrow is another day.  

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