Sunday, August 30, 2015

Listen up.........

It's funny the things we hear sometimes.  Sometimes we think to ourselves whatever we have heard is pretty clever, then sometimes we wonder what made the person say what they said.

Let me tell you a story.  I had just made it to my original goal.  I had the fit bit on my wrist.  I was pumped about starting maintenance.  Then I was invited to a challenge.  Oh, those lovely challenges. I've told a little bit about the first one I did.  I started what is now a routine for me.  I went off the charts on my walking.  It was that frustration, and anger I suppose, that fueled this walking frenzy. So I don't remember what rank I finished the challenge at but when I went in to weigh, I had lost another 6 lbs.  I was elated and was telling my fellow Weight Watcher members.  Across the room sits my favorite person and friend. Apparently another favorite person (or maybe someone else) asked her either what I did or was that all from walking.  My friend said yes, but "you know she eats like a rabbit."

I think at the same meeting, I was presented with the 5 lb. lost award, making the total 184.  This lady asked our leader to repeat the number.  I think the lady didn't quite believe what she heard.  She said, "Did you say 184?"  Our leader replied "Yes. 184."  The lady blinked and said, "One hundred eighty-four?"  Again, the leader said, "Yes, one hundred eight-four pounds lost."  The member just sat dumbfounded I suppose.  I can't blame her, I stay that way most times.  Who would have thought I would have lost 184 lbs.!?  UPDATE:  As of Sunday, I've lost 185.6 lbs.!  On the road to my final goal.  

In the meetings, we've talked about the positive things people tell us about how we look, about our journey, etc. and how we need to learn to accept them and be grateful.  It's not that I am not grateful when I hear these compliments, I haven't been called amazing or inspiring at any time in my life until now.  I have a growing list of "cheerleaders" in my complex that have been (unknown to me) following me.  And when they see me and say "I've seen you walking and have followed your progress," I say thank you but don't really take in the compliment.  

I notice that when people give me a compliment such as "you are amazing.," or "You've motivated me to start walking.," I say thank you but am I really listening to what they say?

The fact that I try to walk at least 10 miles a day has become routine for me.  When people hear this, the first words out of their mouths is "Wow."  Sometimes I think we say thank you without really listening to the comment.  Saying thank you is what we are supposed to say.

I am going to try and really listen to the compliments given to me.  Because the people saying them really mean the "wows," "you're amazing," "good jobs," and "you're inspiring."  There is truly something behind those compliments.

You notice I didn't write about any negative (or toxic) comments we may hear.  I know they are out there, but I choose not to listen to those.  I choose to surround myself with positive, glittery, sparkly things.   Here's a though: those toxic compliments probably come from people who are jealous of the progress of our journeys and how well the result has been.

Have a great week and really listen to those proud compliments your cheerleaders, fans, and friends give you!  You are awesome! 

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