Monday, August 24, 2015

Have you thought of your answers for the Q &A?'d be a good thing (maybe) if we could delay the start of a week, wouldn't it?  Maybe have a do over of Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday weigh in.   But it doesn't work that way.  So, a new week has begun and for most that I know, means the start of school.  Since I get up before sun up (again as neighbor Sara calls it - in the middle of the night) and am finished power walking really before sun up, not sure I will see any students forcing themselves to meet the bus.  I might see some teachers dragging themselves to their cars to head off.  I'm sure they're asking the question "Do I really have to?"  or "Are you sure they come back today?"  I doubt they get the answers they want to hear.

Which brings me to this post.  I decided to do my power walk on the waterway Sunday (yesterday). And as I finished, I ran into a super hero.  He was taking some time for himself away from saving the world. We talked about something that we had both happen to us, and I thought it would be good inspiration for a blog post. 

We don't have ALL the answers.  And what answers we do have, are not always right or wrong.  We are always asking ourselves questions.  What is the point value of this small cookie?  Is broccolini zero points and a power food?  Some answers are easy.  But what about the ones from people we know.  Are we always prepared for those questions?

Our fans may seem to understand WHY we go on a weight loss journey. They don't question when we choose to walk through the doors of Weight Watchers.  They may wonder why we didn't do it sooner.  In the beginning they don't question what we eat or don't eat.  No question as to any activity we choose to do.  But after the newness wears off, friends/fans may have more questions.  And why don't you want to have that second slice of pizza?  But you walked 5 miles this morning, and you want to walk more?  At the same time, if they don't quite get the program and see you eating a piece of cake, they ask "You can really eat that?"

And while these seem like legitimate questions, your answers shouldn't matter, if they truly support you.  When I was in my rut several months ago (or maybe longer) I was enjoying happy hours and having a few drinks. But after awhile (and I know I've brought this up before), I started tracking / counting calories in those drinks.  Three glasses of wine is approximately 12 points and 400 calories.  And any fruity little 'tini could run you approximately 5 points a piece.

So I stopped drinking.  Instead I chose to have sparkling water with lime.  Tasted just as good (to me at least).  By the second time I had my Peligrino with lime at happy hour, my friend asked me why I was choosing not to drink.  I wasn't sure how to answer.   The why just seemed to sound like "why would you want to stop drinking?"   I chose to stop drinking for a couple of reasons.  My health was one - I could do some damage with drinking combined with my diabetes.  Second, I didn't want to drink my calories or points.  Can you blame me?

Sometimes there seems to be more questions than answers.  And the answers are not always simple. When those that support us ask us questions such as "Why do you want to stop drinking?" or "Won't you be glad when it's over?," don't worry about the answer being right or wrong, or simple for that matter.  They will understand any response if they truly support you and want the best for you.

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