Sunday, August 2, 2015

Who is in your Fan Club?

Are you refueling and ready to begin a new week?  I took a break this weekend from the crazy walking I do and enjoyed time by the pool.  I'll be refueled to start again on Monday.  I really enjoy the challenges....with them I challenge myself to do more.  I only did 119,000 steps this past week.  I had a tough week; after Tuesday, it seemed to spiral downward.  And I suppose we all need a week off now and then.  I can hear my friend now....."Did you hear yourself?  Only 119,000 steps! That is amazing!"  

I started working on a post venting about dating MISadventures and just single men in general and how I wanted to break my rule and have a cocktail.....regardless if it had Happy in the name or not. How sometimes I wish some girl that has always been skinny would tell me just because I lose 185 lbs. the single world would not be easier.  How in the last month I felt like I had some sort of plague. One guy was clueless and couldn't figure out I was interested in him............well, maybe he did and he wasn't interested in me. Then most recently the neighbor.  I stood in my kitchen one night looking at the bottle of wine I bought Mr. Neighbor....who subsequently doesn't drink...........and wanted to down the entire bottle.  But then this happened.........

How do you react when people say you motivate them?  That how they see you working so hard and admire your determination.  So I have met several people where I live who tell me I inspire and motivate them.  It's funny when these people see and stop me.  "You're the walker!"  They go on to tell me that I motivate them to get out and do something.  And they tell me how much they have lost. And I'm learning to accept their compliment graciously and not dismiss it with a "whatever" or a "it's nothing."  

While relaxing at the pool, I meet several other tenants.  One of them, with eyes as wide as someone on Christmas morning, shouts "you're the walker!"  She told me that one day I walked in the fitness room - like I always do to get some water - she started talking to me and then all of a sudden I was gone!  She knew someone was in the fitness room!  The other girl said she sees me every morning and I am in the "zone!"  The zone!  I like that.  I met several others that have seen me doing my crazy walking and know about my weight loss.  As more of their friends showed up, they would point to me, make introductions, and tell them I'm the walker.  One decided to give me the nickname Pinkie.  No doubt it's because pink is my color and that's what I wear when I walk.  They ask me how much I walk, when I walk, where I walk.  And would I want someone to walk with me.  I told them I'll start the crazy walking again on Monday and they are welcome to walk with me.......but be prepared to walk.  

I've had a few people email me asking me what a normal day of eating is or what I do.  When I posted how many activity points I racked up in one week, everyone wanted to know what I did. While I am not used to the attention, I feel humbled they admire me and are inspired enough to ask what I do.  No one ever asked the heavier me what I ate to get to that size.  What I DIDN'T do for exercise.  Sometimes I just smile to myself and think, "I have a fan club!"

Whether we know about them or not, we all have a fan club.  People that consider themselves our BIGGEST fans.  Those fans that admire you and feel inspired and follow you on the journey.  They want to know all about the main attractions, sidelines, and any bumps in the road.  You may not see them all the time, but they are there cheering you on.  Ready to celebrate victories (small and big) with you.  I forgot all about wanting that Happy cocktail or those clueless men and enjoyed time with my new fans.  Refueled to be ready to be in The Zone beginning on Monday!

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