Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Are you okay with being 2nd or 3rd?

It's is your hump day going?  Lately my week is just not complete unless I am doing some sort of crazy challenge.  I took time off this past weekend to recharge but the fuel seems to be it always does when I realize what's the point?! I would love to reach 160,000 steps for the week.  I almost did it a couple of weeks ago. That's 32,000 a day.  A day!!  I reached it on Monday.  I ask myself each day, can I do this?  Can I reach 32,000 today?  It'll have to be a personal goal for me because I won't win this one either. Seems to be the norm.  I know it's not intentional or personal, but goodness gracious!  I just can't seem to catch a break!!! 

Last week although I didn't quit the challenge, I gave up midstream.  I didn't quit walking, I just didn't walk round the clock.  It reminds of those people you work with who are ALWAYS taking vacation at the same holidays.  Unlike a job where you might be encouraged to give that holiday to someone else, there is no mercy when it comes to these challenges. The same people that win aren't going to say, "oh, okay, since you didn't win last week, I'll slow down so you can catch up or win at least one."  I should know better.  But one's competitiveness has rubbed off on me and second or third place is not good enough anymore.  

I tried rock climbing last Sunday.  And I had a blast!  But seeing some in our group easily make it to the top, made me want to try as many times as I could to reach the top.  Unfortunately my path to glory stopped about one quarter or half the way up.  So at our Sunday meeting, I chatted it up with one of the guys in the "high steppers" challenge group.  Yes, he came up with that name and I do feel honored to be part of the high steppers.  However, I think I am on the way low end of that group.  I got a very encouraging and motivating talk.  No, six months ago I wouldn't have been doing this.  No, six months ago I could only conjure up walking 2 miles.  Yes, you are right, but I got a small taste of victory and like being #1.

As the meeting finished, I asked if we were doing another challenge.  I spent time by the pool and was refueled (or I would be) and recharged.....or so I thought. Would I be okay with any place, 8th, 1st, etc.  I told him probably not 8th but yes I would be okay with 2nd and 3rd.  Guess what?! I lied.  But he has a good point....

Would I be okay if I wasn't first?  This journey has turned into a competition for me on several levels. Let's see how many steps I can get today!  Let's see how many miles I can walk today.  Why stop at my original goal when I am so close to this one?  There is something to be said for seeing that you are 12,000 steps behind and its only Tuesday to make you get up and take a 2 hour walk.  There is something to be said for seeing how close you are to a new goal that makes you go for the gold!  I know the weight loss journey shouldn't be looked at that way. But a little competition.....whether it be with others on the same path or with not a bad thing.  I do have a correction........I won one of last week's challenge but I didn't have to work hard to get it.  I like to have to work hard to see that trophy on my dashboard.

Maybe 2nd or 3rd place is as high as I am meant to anything.  And while yes, I know I should FEEL like I'm at the top of the world.  But remember this is a work in process. And while 185 lbs of me are gone, some residual effects still linger.  Even if I walked 24 hours a day, someone will always be in front of me.  And it's the same people.  Maybe I need to walk until I get tired, my cell phone battery dies, I run out of music, or my feet give out.  All of that to just be in 2nd place or lower?!  I suppose being 2nd best is something I'll have to get used to.  Maybe that's my first place.  Maybe not getting the guy, not winning the contest, or failing to get to the top are things I'll have to live with. Am I okay with 2nd or 3rd?  No, but in the big scheme of things, what's so great about being at the top?

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