Monday, August 17, 2015

Just give it up..............

Before I start my post, I have a funny story.  As I finished my 5 mile walk on Sunday, I stopped by the pool to visit with my neighbor Barbara.  After a few minutes, a family that Barbara knows showed up.  She asked if I minded her telling him how much I have lost.  I said sure and thought she was going to say 184.  Instead she says 200!  We laughed and she said well that's close enough. She said she's been telling people I've lost 200.  Then the question of how old I am came up.  Long story short, she has me 200 lbs lost and 30 years old!  The joke was that I should check with her before I talk with anyone!  Who knows......the next person I talk to could think I've lost 300 lbs and am barely 21!  So, you might want to check in with those people in your life that are just so proud of you!  They may have done some embellishing to actually benefit you! 

This idea came to me this afternoon while walking.  Mostly for another reason but as I walked and brainstormed, it sounded more like a good subject.  Take a minute to think about the things you give up.  I don't mean give up ON or throw in the towel.  I gave up many things when I was heavier AND as I've lost weight on this new journey.  

The heavier me gave up being comfortable in a chair with arms, booths at restaurants, or even restrained by a seat belt.  

Weighing in at 375 lbs., I gave up being healthy.  I wasn't honoring my body like I should with fruits and vegetables.  Well, I did but they were covered in cheese or cracker crumbs and chocolate. Instead of a healthy lifestyle, I filled it with junk food.   

I gave up wearing cute clothes from anywhere rather having only one store to go to.  And then those clothes looked too old for me.  There is just so much you can do with a pair of elastic waist pants and a tank top.  

The heavy me gave up doing fun things that required me going outside.  Mainly because I wasn't able to stand for long periods or handle the heat.  And I didn't want to be around anyone.  

Who would want to go out with the single heavy me so I gave up on trying to date.  

My nights were spent tossing and turning because the heavier me gave up on a good night's sleep.

If it hadn't been for the doctors those fateful days in March of 2014, I probably would have given up on me altogether.....I was headed that way.

After losing an astounding 184 lbs., you would think I wouldn't have anything else to give up, but I did.

I gave up just sitting at home and instead started exercising after I lost 60 lbs.  I started walking every day and working out with a trainer.  And as of today, I have done more things I never thought of doing.  As of recently,  I gave up walking just 2.5 mi and instead walk at least 10 mi a day.

The day I lost 102 lbs., I gave up the only store I was able to shop in.  I was able to try on the cute clothes again! And now, after 184 lbs. gone I am still amazed I can shop anywhere and wear just about anything!

When I lost 75 lbs., I gave up weighing 300 lbs. and rejoiced in entering Twoterville!

I gave up the junk food, including pizzas and hamburgers.  I know you should allow yourself some of those things, but those are trigger foods for me.  If I have just one bite of a fast food hamburger or pizza, it brings back fear.

On Father's Day this year, after losing 180 lbs, I gave up residence in Twoterville and entered Onederland!  But after doing a FitBit challenge,  I gave up my original goal and reset a new one! 

I gave up the tossing and turning at night while I sleep.  Now, if I toss and turn, it's because I'm thinking how early can I get up and walk!  Or because my bony knees hurt when they rub together! There's a laugh for you!

But there is one thing that I have hung on to, even when I thought I gave it up when I was heavier. All because at the age of 44, I can't mark off "boyfriend experience" from the list. So I decided to for once and for all give it up.  After all this time and all this work, it's not meant to happen.  Some of you will heave a sigh of relief because you won't have to read about it anymore.  Some will miss the misadventures.  And, I mean this in the NICEST way possible. Please do not tell me all those cliches about single people.  When you read this, just nod and say okay.  And this is probably the worst time for me to give this up with the wedding I am attending this Saturday, but then again it may make it all that much easier.

I give up trying to find that one special person.  Trying to land a man, find true love, whatever it's called.  I give up on wanting a Friday night date that turns into date 2 and 3.  I give up trying to let a man know I'm interested.  It obviously didn't work most recently so maybe men are not interested in me the way I would like them to be.  I give up trying to understand although men are simple, they can be the stupidest creatures.  I give up looking for the one that will adore me when I am red nosed from a cold.  Or one that will drop everything to come help me because he'd hate to see me in danger.  I have learned being single and navigating dating at this age can be exhausting!  So I give up that space in my head filled with the what ifs, the why nots, why doesn'ts and will fill it with sparkly, glittery things.   I give up wanting/wishing someone to ask me out on a date out of the blue.

By giving this up, I can focus on getting to the 200 lb. gone mark.  I can focus on getting a job that I can retire from.  I can focus on me and what my marvelous leader says, being awesome.  And as so many of you point out, I can focus on continuing to be an inspiration to you and others.

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