Sunday, September 20, 2015

no, No, NO. What is your No limit?

I feel like I am behind on my posts.  I had a ho hum week; tracking wasn't at the top of my list of things to do.  I was lazy with my eating but never stopped my walking.  And to my surprise I lost some weight; enough to have lost half of my original weight!  Half of me that will NEVER return. And when I saw that over 500 people liked my status, it gave me goose bumps.  And I appreciate and am grateful for each and every one of your sweet comments.  I can't believe I am just 13 pounds away from losing 200 lbs!  I once heard a quote from the movie Broadcast News where William Hurt asks Albert Brooks: "What do you do when your real life exceeds your dreams?" Albert Brooks responds with: "Keep it to yourself."  Well I'm not going to keep anything about this journey to myself!

 Although I am working on changing it, I have always been a "yes" person.  You know the kind; one who ALWAYS says yes.  Yes to baking 200 cupcakes, trying so hard not to lick the bowl of icing! Sure, I'll take on another boss......I already have 4 but sure, why not!  Sure, I'll do that!  Yes, no problem! I have a friend who was telling me about a situation.  She has a friend who was always saying she needs to go to the gym.  She needs to lose a few pounds, etc.  You get the story.  And this wonderful friend of mine did just about everything in the world of encouragement to help her friend. And yet the friend could not see the kindness and generosity her friend was giving her.  I've had similar situations.  How many times do we offer our generosity before we realize the people on the receiving end may not want it?  Or not ready to receive it?

It was 8:30 this last Friday night and I was marching around my apartment trying to get more steps in.  I would move, the other person would move.  I thought I COULD walk another 3-4 miles but what would that do.  Just put me further behind.  They were not stopping.  I finally told myself no, this is my limit.  I had already beat my all time record for steps.  So I reached my limit and called it a night. 

When is enough enough?  I'm not talking about work or the normal stress that's is ever abundant.  BWW (Before Weight Watchers), my No did not have a limit.  A 4th slice of pizza?  Sure, why not?  I did not say no to food. Are you kidding?  Food was my best friend not too long ago.  I said "no" to any outdoor activity or walks around the block.  I said "no" to eating healthy until....... I HAD to say "no."  I was told "no" to regular food and instead was on a liquid diet for 3 days.  When I asked if I was going to die that day in the ER, I was told "no, not today."  I actually thought that was it for me. I was to blame for the damage done.  Being told I was diabetic meant I would have to say no to sweets, sugars, and a host of other things.  Eighteen months ago I was told no, you can't go on like you were.

I know what my limits are now, well almost.  Some of the limits are non-negotiable because of my diabetes.  I enjoy eating grapes but they contain sugar.  I can't eat a handful or a bunch like most people.  My "no limit" is 17....yep I can have 17 grapes.  Although my sugars are well controlled, I still watch what I eat...duh I am on Weight Watchers after all!  When eating out, especially Mexican, I have to tell myself 'No!' after about 10 chips. Or bring my own.  With some trigger foods; pizza, chips, dum dums (LOL), and cookies, the "no" limit would be hard so I just don't eat them.  As far as activity, when is my "no" limit?  Some days it's when I reach my 10,000 step goal.  Some days it's when I am exhausted.  When I have days that get me down, and when I reach for a bag of Chex Mix or some other not so good snack, I shout "no."  On those days when I might tell myself negative thoughts (yes, that happens to me too), I stop it before I say anything.

I am learning what my no limit all aspects of this journey.  It's all part of the process.  How can one change if there are no "no" limits?  I believe I have done some growing up in the last year. Learning limits with going out and having fun, toxic people (those that are not supportive of my journey and the new me), and of course my new lifestyle.  I must give myself limits with these things otherwise the former me works her way back in.  We all have limits.  Have your "no" limits changed since you decided to make Weight Watchers part of your life?  Have you found you have grown since accepting Weight Watchers as a companion on your journey?

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."  Y'all have a great week!

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