Sunday, September 6, 2015

Who is your Inner Self (we all have them)? They help us with transitions!

Was last week hard for you? It was for me! Whew! At the beginning, I looked forward to having Labor Day off and then as the week progressed I was just happy when bedtime came so I could collapse.  I was very hard on myself this week.  Plus, some party food made an appearance.  I did well at breakfast and at lunch, but it was the night life that had the party food.  What else is trending? Let's see.....not to toot my horn again, but I won the work week challenge.  And my body was not happy with me.  I really really overdid it.  I switched out the LARGE fitbit wristband for the small wristband.  The manager of my apartment commented on how happy I looked and at peace with myself.  And I was actually funny.  Guess it's all that decluttering I've done in my head.....looking forward to filling that space with glittery things.

Oh!  The biggest thing trending......a couple of weeks ago my wonderful leader encouraged me to send in my success story to Weight Watchers.  I filled out a form and submitted it along with my story.  This past week Weight Watchers emailed me asking for a before and current picture.  Not sure what that means...if I'm one step closer to being chosen.  And I'm not sure what it means if I'm chosen but it's exciting.

So I've talked about my inner goddess.....Persephone.  She's even guest written a post.  Persephone is there to help me transition into this new me that's emerging as a result of my journey.  She helps me realize I can do anything and do it with conviction.  And while she remained somewhat quiet in the beginning, she is now out in full force.  Lately she has been Persephone the Drill Sergeant!  Every time I enter a fitbit challenge she jumps up and down because she knows she gets to work the heck out of me!  I was talking to my walking partner - and wonderful new friend - about Persephone and how last week I wanted to stuff her back in the little box she emerged from.  She just laughed and said sorry, I don't think she'll fit in the box anymore.  Before I know it, Persephone will have me ready for world domination!

Her favorite color may be pink, but she is fierce.  She is here to stay and right now her main job, along with maintaining my walking routine of 10+ mi a day, is helping me with this transition. Speaking of walking, this morning in the meeting, I was talking to a fellow member about how mouths drop when I say how much I walk.  And how to me it's normal and routine, but this member said, "But it's not normal!"  This is a huge transition for me.  Six months ago, let alone a year ago, if someone had told me I would lose 185.6 lbs. and my journey would be to lose 200, I would laugh in their face.  My inner goddess is there to reassure me this is possible and while there are days I want to stuff her back in the box, it's all part of the journey.  She makes sure I do not turn back at mile 98 and start all over.  Persephone does not always like the decisions I make, but she supports them just the same.

We are all going through be better people.  Healthier, stronger, and happier people.  Have you noticed the transitions around recently?  The air is a little cooler signaling fall is on its way.  Summer has ended and the year is continuing on its path to its conclusion.  Believe it or not, those on a weight loss journey are always transitioning.  And we have those inner selves to help us. They help us make healthier choices and help us celebrate when we do.  They make us go on that walk when we really just want to stay home and sit on the couch.  Who is your inner self?  Is she like Persephone?  Youthful, innocent, yet as on the journey, can begin to consciously decide for herself.  Also a reminder of a indication of fall....reminder of the growth and hope a transition brings. How do they help you with your transition?

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