Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The story of "I'd love to, but......."

Good morning!  I know, two posts in one week!  Hope the week has started off fantastic for most of you.  Some of you know what my profession is.  If you do not, I am a legal assistant.  I have worked in the legal field for the last 15-18 years.  I became interested in the legal field when I worked for a state district judge at our local courthouse.  It was a very interesting five years.  I learned so much. The judge I worked for is a very nice man, although intimidating at times.  He used to play for several pro football teams and stands at least 6'2"!  Anyway, shortly after I started working for him, he told me a story about people being chosen for jury duty.  The potential jurors were required to call our office with any issues serving.  He told me a story between "I'd love to.... and But........"  A potential juror calls and says, "I'd love to come serve on the jury, but....."  And while for the most part, their reason for but was not a valid one, there were some valid ones mixed in.  

When I thought of that story, I thought it would make a good blog.  How many times have you said, "I'd love to, but......?"  Maybe it was spoken with the thought of a weight loss journey.  "I'd love to start Weight Watchers (or maybe some other diet), but......" and you can fill in the excuse.  Has it been uttered when starting a new activity?  "I'd love to start yoga (boxing, running, etc.), but......" But what?  Not sure you can do yoga?  I wasn't sure, but I went to a class anyway and realized I like it! I know the words came out of my mouth when I thought about doing kayaking or stand up paddle board yoga.  Thankfully my friends crushed the phrase and encouraged me to do those new activities.

Changes are abundant and inevitable on any kind of journey, but especially a weight loss journey. Think about it.  The mind changes, as well as the body, and things that were never thought of before are being considered.  I may not have spoken those words a lot, but I have thought of them plenty of times. I have said them to myself when I go shopping and look at clothes to try on.   Maybe friends have offered an invitation to go out to eat.  I'd love to go, but...........  But what?  Food?  Points? What?  Go for the fellowship and company of those friends.  Go because of the invite.  We know this.......if there is a concern the presence of trigger foods, eat something before.  I still go to Happy Hour, once in a while, but choose not to drink and sometimes not eat any of the tempting apps.  

The same goes for what we eat.  Of course with this, I am a double standard.  I can preach about it, write about it, but I don't follow the advice.  I'd love to have a piece of cake, but..... Now in this situation, yes, the phrase might be warranted.  But....too many points.  But......I'd rather have something else.  As we have learned, you can have a piece of cake, as long as it is accounted for.  So, I'd love to have a piece of cake, but I'll have half a slice.  I'd love to have a piece of cake, but I'll skip the second slice of pizza.  

Instead of the phrase I'd love to, but...... maybe it needs to be updated, modified, etc.  I'd love to try yoga, where is there class I can take.  I'd love to start losing weight, where is a Weight Watcher meeting close to me.  I'd love to go out to dinner and catch up with what's been going on (or let me look at the menu online so I can plan).  

The next time those words are about to be spoken, think about it.  Just like can't needs to be taken out of our vocabulary, so does I'd love to, but......  That's just an excuse waiting to happen!  

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