Friday, September 11, 2015

What are you doing with your blank canvas? Phrase of the week: Sat Chit Ananda

Well, did you survive the week? No challenges for me this week. No walking at work to get in as many steps as I could.   I still walked over 11 miles most of the week.  I took a mental break as some of you suggested.  I'll be back next week so watch out!  However, as the week came to a close and Friday approached, I knew it would be a somber day.   I know that's all I have to know.  We go about our lives the rest of the year, but on this day, it seems, as it should, the entire world stops for just a second.  A second to remember all the lives taken too soon.  A second to be grateful for those that go to battle for our freedom.  On this day, just for a few minutes, points do not matter, nor does tracking.  What matters to me is that there are people who fought, and still fight, for our freedom. My freedom to walk more than 10 miles a day.  My freedom to start fresh every day with a new beginning........something taken away from so many people.

So I went to yoga class on Thursday.  I am loving the Warrior poses.  Instead of my usual spot close to the door, I was front and center in front of the instructor.  If I had been told last year I would be doing yoga and liking it, I would have laughed in the person's face. Give the same response I did when I was told I was diabetic.

Sat Chit Ananda.  Okay, I'll give you a chance to run and google the phrase if you don't already know it. The yoga instructor says it translates into "Remember the joy."  With the transitions of the seasons, comes a fresh new start.  A blank canvas if you will.  The class focused on new beginnings and fresh starts.  I have loved this blank canvas I am using to create this wonderful new life for myself.

I don't know about you, but I some times let the days run together, thinking whatever happened the day before must overlap with the next day.  But really. when the lights are turned out and darkness falls, that's a chance to just forget about everything about that day............well almost everything, not the good, glittery, happy things.  Same with a weight loss journey.  First, try to remember the joy of being at a time in your life you were really happy or liked.  It may have been as a child, or when you were a smaller size.  When you started your weight loss journey, did you think of it as a fresh start?  A new beginning?

Until recently, it was hard for me to find joy, especially after I turned 30.  For so much after my early 30s was not joyful for me.  From the time I was 30 years old, I began dealing with very serious weight problem, although I didn't know it when I was 30.  I remember the joy of those early college years when I had lost 93 lbs. and was fitting in size 14s.......buying jeans from Express (not like the store is now!) and wearing stirrup pants!  I remember the joy of being on my own for the first time.  When the weight started creeping back on again, I wasn't remembering the joy any longer.  Instead of realizing the problem was me, I would blame it on the clothes in the stores getting smaller, or the media creating these unbelievably impossible images to obtain.

When I weighed 375 lbs (which wasn't that long ago),  the joy I remembered was how good the pizza tasted or that I didn't have to leave the house on weekends so no one would see me.  But is that joy?  Is that the joy we are supposed to remember?  Absolutely not!  So, my fresh start began March 18, 2014 in the ER.  I chose to make the most of this new beginning.

I have absolutely loved this fresh start.  As my new best friend told me, I am living (and loving) this new life of mine.  I am doing things that, as my friends will tell me, I should be doing in my 40s. And apparently it has me climbing rocks, rocking a kayak, and walking almost a half marathon most days.  With tremendous help from Weight Watchers and everyone who I share the journey with, this fresh start is a healthier, more aware fresh start.  It reminds me sat chit ananda......Remember the joy.  Now, when I remember the joy, I think of when I started feeling better.  I remember when I did something for the first time I hadn't done in years!  I remember the joy in reaching my first big goal, then deciding to go further.

Sat Chit Ananda.  Remember the joy.  Take time for a fresh start.  Was this weight loss journey a fresh start for you?  What does your blank canvas look like?  This is your chance to create something beautiful on this make something fantastical with a blank canvas.  Wonderful thing is that each day is a chance to start fresh.  So you ate too much on Monday......start fresh on Tuesday with a new beginning.  Remember the joy of a specific time in your life.  I am grateful every day for this fresh start.

Our lives are blank canvases.  A weight loss journey is a brush stroke.  I am having the time of my life creating my masterpiece.  Sure, I've changed colors and even what I want to be on the canvas, but that's the beauty.  Every day is a fresh start, a blank canvas.  Every day Weight Watchers gives you a brand new day of points.  Fresh start.  Your tracker is wiped clean every day.  Tomorrow is a new day, new beginning.  Put this week, tonight behind you.  Tomorrow is a new day......wake up with the sun and declare it a fresh start!!

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