Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why? Because. Because Why? Because............

It seems like the month is flying by.  I was going to make it to some of my former high school football games (home games) and haven't gone to one yet! I'm hoping I can go to the three in October.  My best friend and I are walking in the Wicked Wine 5k Run in Waller in a couple of weeks.  eeeeek!  That's my squeal because I am sooo excited!  Not only because it's my first 5K (official....I know I do them every day) but because she has ordered us matching tanks to wear.  She won't tell me what they say! But I don't want to know....I want to be surprised.  I am going to buy some small crowns to is a fun run/walk and you are encouraged to dress up.   Then we talked about me doing a half marathon!  She said she knows I could totally do it.  So I am contemplating doing The Woodlands Half Marathon in March 2016.  

So, that post title could go on and on right?!  I used to say it to my dad all the time thinking he would give a different answer other than "because."  That was the topic in Sunday's meeting.  The "why" that had you walking through the doors at Weight Watchers.  The "why" of the choice to live a healthier lifestyle.  We first talked about the first why, then we talked about how our whys have changed.  

My original "why" was always the same.  I wanted to lose weight.  The reason behind it sometimes changed.  My "why" in 2009 was to lose some weight before my 20th high school reunion.  I remember finding out about the reunion 7 months before.  In my head I told myself I COULD lose 10 pounds a month resulting in 70 pounds.  I wanted to wear a cute outfit to my 20th high school reunion.  Like most, I waited till there were just 2 months left to do my best to lose the 70 lbs or more!  So my "why" changed to just 20 pounds.  I was successful.  I wore a cute outfit picked out by my sister.  The "why" then was more of how I wanted to look to people. At that time, twenty years had come and gone of seeing the people I went to school with.  I was still big but I had successfully done the "why," temporarily.

I remember walking in the door of Weight Watchers in 2013.  My "why" was I wanted  needed to lose weight and couldn't do it on m own any longer. I remember the lady who weighed me, she is still at the location I go to. I cried when I stepped on the scale and it stayed below 400. I was sure I had put on so much that it reached 400 lbs.  She was very calm and maybe shed a tear with me.  The "why" became a health issue and the fact I wanted to live.  My "why" in 2014 after spending 6 days hooked up to IVs in the hospital was I wanted to destroy diabetes!  I didn't want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life.  The why back then was I must do something about my weight.

My "whys" now?  Oh goodness......changed so much.  The "whys" now include I want to look good and shop just about anywhere, participate in a (half) marathon, then a full marathon.  I want to continue living a healthy lifestyle.  Why do I want to never miss a Weigh Watcher meeting (especially with the most awesome leader)?  It reminds me of how far I've come on my journey and it keeps the fears at bay.  Why now?  I want to continue honoring my body by eating pure, clean, healthy foods.  I want to get far away from those 375 lbs. that brought me through the doors almost 2 years ago.  Why?  It'll never be over and I need all the tools I can get to continue a healthy lifestyle and maintaining my goal weight.

Why?  Because.  Because why?  I think our parents told us that to pacify us.  Either the answer was too involved for us to understand or they were trying to shield us.  So when we tell ourselves  or other people because, is it because we don't want to know the answer?  Has your "why" changed from the first time you walked in the doors at your Weight Watcher meeting?  Mine have and they change just about every day!  Why?  I cannot do the weight loss journey on my own.  I need awesome people to guide me and help me celebrate the good things.  Why? I need remind myself that I'll never go back to that day in November of 2013 when I stepped on the scale and it read 375.6 (to be exact).  Why? I want to continue doing things I never dreamed of doing.....kayaking, rock climbing, two-stepping, marathons.  Being able to walk into Macy's, Dillard's, Victoria's Secret and walk out with bags of cute things to wear.  Why now?  I want to live!  

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