Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen of Weight Watchers (and those that are not): Track (among other things)

Whether we are good at public speaking or not, I think there inside of us is one just jumping up and down wanting to give a speech.  A speech to share wisdom on life's obstacles and joys.  So, if you will, indulge me in this attempt at a speech about the joys and tribulations of a weight loss journey. 

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Track.  If there could only be one tip for the future of a weight loss journey, track would be it.  Of course, there are a host of others so that's why I said could.  The benefits of tracking and being accountable of what we eat has been proven by physicians and those at Weight Watchers.  If we track and are accountable of what we eat, there is no reason the weight can't come off.  The rest of the advice is just that and my thoughts and are no more proven than my own experience.  So here it goes.

Losing weight is not supposed to be a chore.  Enjoy the empowerment of being able to lose the weight and make better choices you have.  Trust me, enjoy the power and you'll look at pictures from the past and in a way you can't grasp now, what you have done is amazing and how fabulous you look.  And how much better you feel! It wasn't as hard as you imagined before walking through those doors or stepping on the scale! 

No need to worry about the future.  That's why there are small goals.  Okay, worry if you must, but know that worrying is not going to make the scale change or the chocolate chip cookie disappear. If you worry, then have a plan or a solution.  That's hard to do because we are all worriers.  We worry about what we can eat at a restaurant.  We worry what people are going to say.  Know that worrying is no more effective as trying to solve a difficult equation by sucking on a lollipop.  The real troubles are more apt to be if changes aren't made healthwise, there could be serious health issues that could blindside you.  

Do just one thing every day that frightens you.  Don't put up with people who are reckless with your feelings or heart.  Those people do not have space in your life.  People who think you're amazing, who support you, who encourage you, who pull you from the bench to do something you're scared of doing are who we need in our lives.  

Jealously has no place here.  I know with the questions again.  But jealously in a weight loss journey only hurts you.  Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.  The journey is not a race and it is long, and if you insist on it being a race, then it's only with yourself. 

Remember the compliments you receive.  Every compliment....from those that know you and strangers.  I got a text from my new best friend today and it reads in part (it made me cry): As you head out today, I want you to know how wonderful you are!  Your friends see a side of you that you sometimes forget is there.  That's why we're so adamant about telling you.  Along that same line, forget the insults.  

It's hard to do while losing weight, but enjoy your body.  Don't let it scare you or what others think of it scare you.  

For once, be proud of yourself for making the decision to do something to change you.  I know it's hard to take that first step and venture out on a journey you have no idea where you might end up.  I had no idea my journey would lead me to the point of losing 187 lbs.  And when you feel like turning around at mile 98, DON'T!  You can make a pit stop to catch your breath if need be, but whatever you do, don't turn around and start over.  

Be patient but thankful for the advice you receive.  But be careful of the advice that comes with a price.  

Above all, trust me on the tracking! 

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