Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Tale of Two Cities

Good morning!  It's Tuesday............how did you start off your week?  Did you hit the ground running or are you hoping it will pick up  by Wednesday?  

NEIGHBOR WATCH UPDATE: So, a couple of friends suggested I give the neighbor a bottle of wine to welcome him to the neighborhood.  Anyone that knows me knows that is hard for me to do. But I bought a bottle and a plant.  The lady in our apartment office said he didn't drink but technically I didn't know that. She also said he asked about me last week and said I was pretty!  Good thing, right?!  So I decided on the bottle of wine with a note.  He texted me yesterday after I finished my walk at the GARC (Gooses Acre Run Club).  Very sweet text.  I responded when I got home.  It wasn't maybe 5 minutes and he called me.  He was out running errands but would like to call me later.  Later was around 9 p.m last night.  He was very nice and apologized for the late call.  He said he hated to get off on the wrong foot but he'd call me Tuesday night not so late.  

There are these two cities......I know you have heard of them.  You probably have visited them multiple times.   I am talking about Twoterville and Onederland.  I am sure you have heard of these and even visited them, some more than once.  I remember when I entered the gates of Twoterville for the first time.  On previous Weight Watcher journeys, I bypassed the gates to Twoterville.  Not because I didn't want to visit but because I wasn't paying attention to where it was.  To get to Onederland, you must pass through Twoterville.  There's no way around that.  

For the first time in at least 15 years I was in Twoterville.  It was wonderful.  Things seemed to be better.  The food tasted better, I had more choices with clothes, and I slept better while visiting Twoterville.  For some, the visit can be a lengthy one and others a rather short one.  I guess you could say I entered the gates from the back end because I was on my way out eventually.  But for some of us (me included....it's a fear of mine), going to Twoterville can be an unpleasant experience.   You try to make the best of it, but what you really want is to go back to Onederland.   My visit to Twoterville was about 4-5 months, maybe a little longer.  I enjoyed Twoterville, but when I saw the sign (a/k/a the scale) for Onederland, I was intrigued and decided to move on.  

If I thought things were better in Twoterville, then I was about to find out how amazing things can be in Onederland.  My original goal was to stay at the edge of Twoterville.  Maybe venture a little over the line to Onederland.  When I reached my goal, I had stepped over the edge into Onederland.  Did I want to turn back?  No!  I was doing amazing things.......things I had never done before in my life!  Because I was stuck in that other world.  You know which one.  The world where a bag of chips or a pizza sounds better than a handful of celery or cucumber.  Where you feel sluggish and don't want to do anything.  

There are certainly differences from that other world and these two cities.  The people are nicer.  The sun shines more.  There is a better selection of clothes and tons of choices!  The food is wonderful and so are the activities.  Onederland certainly has been a wonderful place to stay.  I have decided to make it my permanent home.  And not on the edge of Twoterville, but somewhere in the middle.  

For those of you who are in Twoterville and don't want to be, think of what you did that made you leave Twoterville and on your way to Onederland.    You're not stuck in Twoterville forever.....if you don't want to be.  For that matter, you're not stuck in the other world either.  You may think you are....I sure did.  And the way I was going, I was not going to get out of there any time soon.  But you can always go back home.....  It may be Onederland when you were younger or it may be Twoterville when you were just married.  It's not as easy as clicking your heels, well maybe, but the heels of your walking shoes!  And if home right now is the other world.....then I suggest you pack your bags and take a trip.  Pack plenty of healthy snacks and good shoes......if you're doing FitBit challenges, you're going to need them!  And good socks too! Those of us in Twoterville and Onederland look forward to seeing you and have a place all ready for you!  

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