Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Don't go to the hardware store for strawberries

Just because it's called a Super Center, does not mean it will have what you need.  I usually go to several places to find what I am looking for.  Do I always find it?  Sometimes.  And it'll be in the one place I save till last only to tell myself go there first next time to save a headache.  

We all need those little acts or words of encouragement from all the people in our lives.  Whether it be a pat on the back, hug, or just a "You look great.," while on this journey, words or acts of encouragement somehow make the journey a little more bearable.  But when it's not where you think (or want) it should be, you think why did I come here in the first place?!  It can also apply to things you go out of your comfort zone to do.  When those things aren't what you imagined them to be, you feel let down.  When it happens to me (and it did just recently),  I felt like hitting my head and said "I should've known that!"  Like the old V8 commercials.  Or like a good friend told me, "Don't go to the hardware store for strawberries."

Yet we still want to find what we are looking for at the usual places we go to.  Time after time we tell ourselves maybe one day that one thing will be where we think it should be.  This is my first week on maintenance.  So far so good.  It's not that much different than what I've been doing the last couple of months.  Except the points limit in my day.  I try to tell myself "You got this!"  And yet, just recently, I question that statement.  I have no problem telling it to other members who have fallen off track and voice they need to get back on track.  "You can do this!"  I tell them.  Or to the one who is struggling on any given day, I genuinely mean "You can do this!"   And recently I thought I could tell myself the same thing.   I have no problem with being in control of what I'm eating.  Someone suggested to me that maybe maintenance for me is working on the mental changes.

As a good friend commented on my wonderful news, "Watch out world!"  But I have to wonder, what does the world have to watch out for if I have a problem with saying I can do this!  This week's topic is Remember the Why.....or something like that.  I remember the why when I watch the video of Sunday over and over again.  Why I committed myself to this journey.  Why I can't stop and turn back.  I could even put a spin on it and think "why do this one thing I can't seem to do?"  I thought the last thing in my "can't" bucket was on its way out.  I thought I was going to mean it when I say "I can do this!"  And yet, it seems, that one thing is more comfortable being in the "can't" bucket.  I must remember the why when I venture outside my comfort zone.  I must remember the why when I yank the last thing out of the "can't" bucket.

It's a learning process that doesn't end when a goal is reached.  It may not end when Lifetime is reached.  I will eventually learn not to go to the hardware store for strawberries.  While at the moment, (and I know you will question this too) I may feel defeated, I need to remember the why.  The brain break exercise not only needs to happen last week.  I will continue to do it until I can find a way to say I can on this last thing.

You may be dying to know what this thing is.  Well, you'll just have to continue following me to eventually find out.  It's Wednesday..........Friday is around the corner!

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